John Mark Hicks Women in Worship Assembly

John Mark Hicks: Women Serving God: My Journey in Understanding Their Story in the Bible

Sara Barton "As a woman who preaches, I am often asked for resourses that address biblical teaching about women's leadership in and church ministries recommends John Mark Hicks.

Britannica.hieros.gamos.Song.Solomon.  (Greek: “sacred marriage”), sexual relations of fertility deities in myths and rituals, characteristic of societies based on cereal agriculture, especially in the Middle East. At least once a year, divine persons (e.g., humans representing the deities) engage in sexual intercourse, which guarantees the fertility of the land, the prosperity of the community, and the continuation of the cosmos.
        Some scholars have applied the term hieros gamos to all myths of a divine pair (e.g., heaven–earth) whose sexual intercourse is creative. The term, however, should probably be restricted only to those agricultural cultures that ritually reenact the marriage and that relate the marriage to agriculture, as in Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Canaan, Israel (the Song of Solomon has been suggested to be a hierogamitic text), Greece, and India.

Paul warned that when women or effeminate males take over, overt sex teaching is based on Sex and Salvation

David Young and the Elders of Northboulevard Church finally got the girls performing ON STAGE.
Shawn Frazier Musical Praise Minister


Angels or Musicians are sent to WINNOW or baptize with spirit (wind) and fire.

PART 1 How I ONCE read the Bible!
        The Blueprint Hermeneutic
        Argument from Creation.
        Arguement from the Pauline Texts

PART 1 How I ONCE read the Bible!    
        The Blueprint Hermeneutic
           The only use of the HERMENEUTIC or HERMES word in Scripture defines TRANSLATION ONLY.

        Holy Scripture, all historic scholars and founders of denomination believed in the WORD, or LOGOS which outllaws rhetoric, singing, playing an instrument or acting (the effeminate mark) and PAY TO PLAY.

Churches of Christ are proud to be the WAY that is called a SECT.
3 .  method, system, hodōmethodically, systematically ,Pl.R.533b, Stoic.2.39, etc. ; so “kath' hodonPl.R.435a ; “tēn dia tou stoikheiou ho. ekhōn egraphenId.Tht.208b (cf. “diexodon208a). 4.  of the Christian Faith and its followers, Act.Ap.9.2, 22.4, 24.14.

PART 1 How I ONCE read the Bible!

The word HERMENEUTIC [Demons are Intercessors] and THEOLOGY [Defined as MYTHOLOGY]

John Mark Hicks thinks that Holy Scriptures documented facts about EVE can be changed by  his OWN experience. That view was launched by Thomas Olbricht and all little goats followed him to school one day.


Douglas A. Foster  Olbricht provides an “AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL HERMENEUTIC” as he unfolds the story of his fruitful career. In a style reminiscent of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed CynicOlbricht conveys profound theological INSIGHTS through accounts of his own life EXPERIENCES.

Strong delusions are at work when you refuse to read That which is written for our LEARNING-only.

The Biblical and all Historic Scholars note:
Hermēneuon ktl. For the term hermēneuein to describe the mediating office of daimones, cp. Epin. 985 B hermēneuesthai (daimonas) pros allēlous te kai tous...theous pantas te kai panta. Hommel bids us take hermēneuon with anthr. ta para theōn (as “eiusdem atque Hermēs radicis”) and diaporthmeuon with theois ta par' anthrōpōn (the office of the porthmeus, Charon, being “animas e terra ad sedes deorum transvehere”).

Tertullian, De Spectaculis, Religious Drama and Music c ad200

For at the very time the devil is working havoc in the church,
            do you doubt that the angels are looking down from above,
            and marking every man, who speaks and who listens to the blaspheming word,
            who lends his tongue and who lends his ears to the service of Satan against God?
So, too, the
devil puts into the deadly draught which he prepares,
things of God most pleasant and most acceptable.
Everything there, then, that is either brave, noble,
            loud-sounding, melodious, or exquisite in taste,
            hold it but as the honey drop of a poisoned cake;
                        nor make so much of your taste for its pleasures,
                        as of the danger you run from its attractions.

Now they have gladness and we are troubled.

"The world," says Jesus, "shall rejoice; ye shall be sorrowful." (John xvi. 20)

Let us mourn, then, while the heathen are merry,

that in the day of their sorrow we may rejoice

lest, sharing now in their gladness,

we share then also in their grief. Thou art too dainty,

The NEW HERMENEUTIC was forordained

1Tim. 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,
        that in the latter times some shall depart from THE FAITH
        giving heed to seducing SPIRITS,
        and doctrines of DEVILS;
1Tim. 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy;
        having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
1Cor. 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice,
         they sacrifice to DEVILS, and not to God:
        and I would not that ye should have fellowship with DEVILS.
1Cor. 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of DEVILS:
        ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of DEVILS.
Rev. 9:20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues
         yet repented not of the works of their hands,
        that they should not WORSHIP devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood:
        which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
1Cor. 14:7 And even things WITHOUT LIFE giving sound, whether pipe or harp,
        except they give a distinction in the sounds,
        how shall it be known what is PIPED or HARPED?

WORSHIP OF GOD IS ONLY: Proskun-eō obeisance to the gods or their images, FALL DOWN and worship,

IRONICALLY: of Lying Wonders The Worship of Apollyon and his really bad Female Worship leaders
Thaum-astos , Ion. thōm- , ē, on, th. lokhos gunaikōn, [MAKE EFFEMINATE] “thaumaston poieis,
        [MAKE, COMPOSE  poi-ēma , atos, to, (poieō)  meta metrou p.Isoc.2.7, 15.45; “p. eis tas Mousas
        [kanakhan CLANGING BRASS]. .

PART 1 How I ONCE read the Bible!
        Argument from Creation.

2Corinthians 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy:
        for I have espoused you to one husband,
        that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
2Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means,
        as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty,
        so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
1Tim. 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression
1John 3:12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.

Exapataô   deceive or beguile, deceive thoroughly, surround yourself with compassion for your swindling tricks,seduce a woman,
deceive or beguile, deceive thoroughly,eitina pou . . eti elpetai exapatēseinIl.9.371, cf. Od.9.414, Pi.O.1.29, Hdt.1.153, Ar. V.901, etc.

Pind. O. 1 From there glorious song enfolds the wisdom of poets,1 so that they loudly sing [10] the son of Cronus, when they arrive at the rich and blessed hearth of Hieron, who wields the scepter of law in Sicily of many flocks, reaping every excellence at its peak, and is glorified [15] by the choicest music, which we men often play around his hospitable table. Come, take the Dorian lyre down from its peg, if the splendor of Pisa and of Pherenicus placed your mind under the influence of sweetest thoughts [all music points to sorcery: Miriam, Levites, Revelation 18]

His glory shines in the settlement of fine men founded by Lydian Pelops, [25] with whom the mighty holder of the earth Poseidon fell in love, when Clotho took him out of the pure cauldron, furnished with a gleaming ivory shoulder. Yes, there are many marvels, [Lying wonders]
         and yet I suppose the speech of mortals beyond the true account c
         an be deceptive,
stories adorned with embroidered lies;

poik-illō , tell with art and elegance, minceharmonian, 2. of Art, p. humnos a song of changeful strain or full of diverse art, Pi.O.6.87; “poikilon kitharizōnId.N.4.14;

Theophilus.Autolycus.II.html This Eve, on account of her having been in the beginning deceived by the serpent, and become the author of sin, the wicked demon, who also is called Satan, who then spoke to her through the serpent, and who works even to this day in those men that are possessed by him, invokes as Eve.58 And he is called "demon" and "dragon," on account of his revolting from God. For at first he was an angel. And concerning his history there is a great deal to be said; wherefore I at present omit the relation of it, for I have also given an account of him in another place.

The word "abomination" is also key to understanding the context. In Hebrew, the word "to 'evah," (abomination) is almost invariably linked to idolatry. In the passages from which both verses are taken, God tells Moses to tell the people not to follow the idolatrous practices of the people around them, people who sacrificed their children to Molech, or who masturbated into the fire to offer their semen to Molech, for example. Chapter 20 starts off with the same warning.

"To 'evah" also means "something which is ritually unclean," not something evil in itself, like rape or theft. Eating pork or having sex during menstruation are ritually unclean.
Lucretius (98 - c. 55 BC): The Worship of Cybele
Ancient Crete and Cybele Mother of All Living. The Goddess of Crete: One of the more creative archetypes of EVE is the Snake Goddess of of Crete.
Wherefore great Mother of gods, and Mother of beasts,
And parent of man hath she alone been named.
Her hymned the old and learned bards of Greece....
Do name Idaean , giving her

Escort of Phrygian bands, since first, they say,

From out those regions 'twas that grain began
Through all the world. To her do they assign
The Galli, the emasculate, since thus
They wish to show that men who violate
The majesty of the Mother and have proved
Ingrate to parents are to be adjudged
Unfit to give unto the shores of light

A living progeny. The Galli come:

And hollow cymbals, tight-skinned tambourines
Resound around to
bangings of their hands;
The fierce
horns threaten with a raucous bray;
The tubed pipe excites their maddened minds
In Phrygian measures; they bear before them knives,
Wild emblems of their frenzy, which have power
The rabble's ingrate heads and impious hearts
To panic with terror of the goddess' might.

Eve is mentioned only twice in the New Testament and because Jesus spoke in parables to HIDE the truth from the WISE (sophists=rhetoricians, singers, musicians, actors).  Moses was writing an INVERTED version of Babylon Myths AFTER the nation fell from grace BECAUSE of instrumental idolatry at Mount Sinai.  Therefore, those who mock Paul do not understand that Paul knew all about Eve and scholars know nothing. While not necessarily true, Paul understood that women especially looked to EVE (Zoe, Mary) as THEIR Mediatrix.

Theophilus to Autolycus 

This Eve, on account of her having been in the beginning deceived by the serpent, and become the author of sin, the wicked demon, who also is called Satan, who then spoke to her through the serpent, and who works even to this day in those men that are possessed by him, invokes as Eve.58 And he is called "demon" and "dragon," on account of his revolting from God. For at first he was an angel. And concerning his history there is a great deal to be said; wherefore I at present omit the relation of it, for I have also given an account of him in another place.

58 Referring to the bacchanalian orgies in which " Eva " was shouted, and which the Fathers professed to believe was an unintentional invocation of Eve, the authoress of all sin.

The word "abomination" is also key to understanding the context. In Hebrew, the word "to 'evah," (abomination) is almost invariably linked to idolatry. In the passages from which both verses are taken, God tells Moses to tell the people not to follow the idolatrous practices of the people around them, people who sacrificed their children to Molech, or who masturbated into the fire to offer their semen to Molech, for example. Chapter 20 starts off with the same warning.

"To 'evah" also means "something which is ritually unclean."

PART 1 How I ONCE read the Bible!
        Argument from the Pauline Texts

       1Cor. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:
        for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
        but they are commanded to be under obedience
        as also saith the law.

It is obvious that the women had not learned that LEARNING was the only purpose for both male and females. The men had attended Synagogue school some beginning at age 5.

        1Cor. 14:35 And if they will LEARN any thing,
                let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a SHAME for women to speak in the church.

1Cor. 14:36 WHAT? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

Silence meant that everone but the READER be silent and sedentary

1Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,
        let him acknowledge that the things
        that I WRITE unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

John Mark Hicks
has learned that this is NOT the Truth and that women can preach over (dominate) others and their sermons can Come out of them!

1. Timothy 2 silences BOTH Male and Female!

1Tim. 2:11 Let the woman LEARN in silence with all subjection.

There is only one God and one mediator and teacher, the Man Jesus
Jesus died for the right to be TESTIFIED of. This is the covenant or Last Will and Testament. The common decency and the unique pattern is to READ or SPEAK.
John Mark Hicks
concludes that women NOT learn in silence but fabricate their own songs and sermons. This REPUDIATES the Last will and testament and that IS a shame.


Men like Timothy and many Gentiles were wise unto salvation because they attended the SYNAGOGUE as the only assembly of the Jews, was devoid of superstitious acts and was EDUCATIONAL.. Only common morality and consideration of the Jews was the only thing

Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city
       them that PREACH him,
        being READ in the synagogues every sabbath day.
Isa. 2:3 And many people shall go and say,
        Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob;
        and he will TEACH us of his ways,
        and we will walk in his paths: [pattern, methods]
        for out of Zion shall go forth the law,
        and the WORD of the LORD from Jerusalem.


Rom. 10:15 And how shall they preach, EXCEPT they be SENT?
        as it is written,
        How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the GOSPEL [only] of peace,
        and BRING glad tidings of good things!

John Mark Hicks' women want to get on the DOLE and be Pastors living off the Widows and honest Workers.

My wife's sister and niece answered the call and went to darkest africa.

The Greek for preach speaks of an EYE-WITNESS.  Ephesians 4 does not include a preacher but APT elders as Pastor-Teachers commanded to teach that which has been taught. Otherwise, a preacher is messenger and takes the message of an authority and delivers it without changing a single word or charging on the receiving end.

Rom. 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime
        were written for our LEARNING, that we through patience
        and COMFORT [paraklesis] of the scriptures might have hope.
g3874. paraklesis, par-ak´-lay-sis; from 3870; imploration, hortation, solace: — comfort, consolation, exhortation, intreaty.

John Mark Hicks says that women can do what Jesus died to dol
Rom. 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation [paraklesis]
        grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Rom. 15:6 That ye may with ONE MIND one MOUTH glorify God [Theos][The ONLY way to praise God]
        even the Father of our Lord [Kurios]Jesus Christ.


Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth,
        where he had been brought up: [EDUCATED]
        and, as his CUSTOM was, [PATTERN]
        he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day,  [ONCE EACH WEEK]
        and stood up for to


Acts 13:27 For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their RULERS,
        because they knew him not,
        nor yet the VOICES of the PROPHETS
        which are read every sabbath day,
        they have fulfilled them in condemning him


Acts 13:15 And after the READING of the law and the prophets
        the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying,
        Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.


Eph. 2:20 And are built upon [EDUCATED BY] the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
        Jesus Christ himself being the chief [head or ONLY Rabbi when elders teach that which has been taught]
        corner stone [Angle outside of the building, secrete and silent. There we rest and LEARN of Jesus]

Women (Eve, Miriam, etal) believed that TRUTH BEGAN WITH THEM. Their emotional state brought on wrath or and ORGY.]

God is not worshipped in HOUSES built by human hands.

Ov. Met. 4.1 Thy Godhead and thy mightie power rebelliously denide,Of spotted Lynxes: throngs of Frowes and Satyres on thee tend,...
And that olde Hag that with a staffe his staggering limmes doth stay
Scarce able on his Asse to sit for reeling every way.
Thou commest not in any place but that is hearde the noyse
Of gagling womens tatling tongues and showting out of boyes,
With sound of Timbrels, Tabors, Pipes, and Brazen pannes and pots
Confusedly among the rout that in thine Orgies trots. [Orgies the WRATH caused by women]

femineae voces inpulsaque tympana palmis
30concavaque aera sonant
To Dircetes of Babilon whome now with scaly hide
In altred shape the Philistine beleveth to abide
In watrie Pooles: or rather how hir daughter taking wings
In shape of Dove on toppes of towres in age now sadly sings:
Or how a certaine water Nymph by witchcraft and by charmes
Converted into fishes dumbe of yong men many swarmes,
Untill that of the selfesame sauce hir selfe did tast at last:
Or how the tree that usde to beare fruite white in ages past,
Doth now beare fruite in manner blacke, by sprincling up of blood

Ovid Met. 4.55


Acts 17:25 Neither is WORSHIPPED with MEN'S HANDS hands,

        as though he NEEDED any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

The DOGMA of John Mark Hicks and a tiny few women then and now caused confusion by being Jump Ups and Speak Outs questioning or challenging the Word of Jesus as the only READ resource.

To wit Sara.Barton.The.Song.of.Solomon.html

1Cor. 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion,
        but of PEACE, as in all churches of the saints.
pax , p I.4.   Pax, as an interj., peace! silence! enough! pax, 2. [Peace, tranquillity of mind:
Peace, tranquillity of mind: “pax animi,sleep, Ov. M. 11, 624: “mentis
 That means:
1Cor. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:
        for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
        but they are commanded to be under obedience,
        as also saith the law.  [Eve, Miriam]
1Corinthians 14:35 And if they will LEARN any thing, let them ask their husbands at home:

        for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

hupotassō , II. post in the shelter of,hupotassesthai tiniLuc.Par.49; draw up behind, to be obedient, tini Ep.Col. 3.18, al.; “hupotagēte theōEp.Jac.4.7
Colossians 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed,
        do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith,
        God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Why the UNGODLY "mad women of Corinth" just out of paganism were silenced:

1Corinthians 14:36 WHAT? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
1Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,
        let him acknowledge that the things
        that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
1Corinthians 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

1Corinthians 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
zēl-oō , (zēlos) desire emulously, strive after, affect, esteem,  to be deemed fortunate,

Since Paul rules out the pagan or inspired prophecy the word
prophēt-euō , II. [select] expound, interpret, preach, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Ev.Luc.1.67, Ev.Jo.11.51, Act.Ap.2.17, 19.6

But, there is no evidence of an Apostolic ordained interpreter in Corinth: the later history of Corinth shows why Paul saw them as STILL CARNAL and not spiritual.

1Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,
        let him acknowledge that the things
        that I WRITE unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Tongues would permit other languages by men if they could interpret or there was an interpreter. Otherwise, nothing should be spoken in the Church which had not been revealed and which could be understood.

glōssa II  language, “allē d' allōn g. memigmenēOd.19.175, cf. Il.2.804; glōssan hienai speak a language or dialect,
2. obsolete or foreign word, which needs explanation,

This word never means gibberish or the prophesying of the Women which is defined as MANIA.


THIS DEFINES "CHURCH" OR CIRCE OR KIRKE BUT IT DOES NOT DEFINE EKKLESIA OR SCHOOL [only] OF CHRIST [only],  Ekklesia is built upon the WRITING PROPHETS inspired by the Spirit OF Christ and the prophecies made more certain by Jesus of Nazareth whom God MADE TO BE both Lord and Christ (and Word and Grace and Righteousness and Wisdom]

Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly,
        that God [ONE]
        hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified,
        both Lord and Christ.

There can be no human mediators in song and sermon: Jesus paid it all

Why women and males waving UNholy arms bring on wrath or ORGY or Mania which is "prophesying" and the mark of people who deny that Jesus commanded that we teach and observe what He commanded.  That is the PRIMITIVIST teaching the "progressives" despise so much that they work to become a progressive SECT.

1. Paul  said that we should pray that we might lead a QUIET and PEACEFUL life in godliness and honesty.

1Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1Timothy 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in authority;
        that WE may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty

hēsukh-ios , Dor. has- (v.l. hēs- ), on,= hēsukhos, still, quiet, at rest, more reposeful  praxis
Praxis  A.doing, transaction, business
action, opp. pathos
action in drama, OPPOSITE. logos,
mimnēskōamphi Diōnuson . . mnēsomaih.Hom. 7.2; “peri pompēs mnēsomethaOd.7.192:
II. make mention of, c. gen., “tōn nun moi mnēsaiOd.4.331; Mousai, mnēsaiath' hosoi hupo Ilion ēlthon (i. e. tōn, hosoi)
Mousa , II. [select] mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugeraA.Eu.308 kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousasS.Tr.643 (l

antilu^ros , on,
A.responsive to the lyre or like that of the lyre (Sch.), kanakha, of the flute, S.Tr.643.

Pind. P. 9 She did not care for pacing back and forth at the loom, nor for the delights of luncheons with her stay-at-home companions; [20] instead, fighting with bronze javelins and with a sword, she killed wild beasts, providing great restful peace for her father's cattle;

2 The BECAUSE is

        1Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved,
                and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 

        Ekklesia-synagogue has that one-piece pattern. It never "progresses."
3. Warning against human songs and sermons: There are NO prophesiers in a revealing sence. That would despise (blasphemy) Jesus Christ because:
        1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator
                between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus;
He returned to God and got the promise or ASSIGNMENT as The Holy Spirit. He qualified to be the SOLE Master teacher and your prophesierd do not qualify:
        1Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
The Testimony of Jesus IS the Spirit OF Prophesy. He saw and heard the Spirit Lord to QUALIFY for doing his PART of revealing the Words of Christ.

1Timothy 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle,
        (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

Hicks says that TRUTH is never the Word of Christ Spoken to Disciples (only)

1Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where,
        lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

Wrath is ORGY: Orgy is young people singing, clapping, waving arms with or without instruments.

REST or Pauo means: Stop the:
Panos orgai panic fears (i. e. terrors sent by Pan), Eur.:--but, orgê tinos anger against a person or at a thing, hierôn orgas wrath at or because of the rites

1Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel,
        with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

kosm-eō ,
III. adorn, equip, dress, esp. of women
n Med., kosmeesthai tas kephalas to adorn their heads,  Hdt.7.209;
sōphrosunē  sanity, OPPOSITE. mania, [Prophesying]  X.Mem. 1.1.16, cf. Act.Ap.26.25.
Acts 26:25 But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness.

Ma^nia (A), Ion. -, , (mainomai)
II. enthusiasm, inspired frenzy, “m. Dionusou paraE.Ba.305; “apo Mousōn katokōkhē te kai m.Pl.Phdr. 245a; theia m., OPPOSITE. sōphrosunē anthrōpinē, ib.256b,
III. passion, “erōtikē m.Id.Phdr.265b; “maniēn maneis aristēnAnacreont. 59.2: freq. in pl., Pi.O.9.39, N.11.48, E.HF835; “eggus maniōn elauneiId.Heracl.904 (lyr.); maniē tinos mad desire for . .
Plat. Phaedrus 265b Socrates
And we made four divisions of the divine madness, ascribing them to four gods, saying that prophecy was inspired by Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon}, the mystic madness by Dionysus, the poetic by the Muses, and the madness of love, inspired by Aphrodite and Eros, we said was the best. We described the passion of love in some sort of figurative manner,
        expressing some truth, perhaps,
        and perhaps being led away in another direction,
        and after composing a somewhat
Plat. Phaedrus 265c] plausible discourse, we chanted a sportive and mythic hymn in meet and pious strain to the honor of your lord and mine, Phaedrus, Love, the guardian of beautiful boys.
prospaizō , fut.
2. abs., sport, jest, “p. en logoisPl.Phdr.262d, cf. Lg. 653e, 804b; opp. spoudazein, Id.Euthd.283b.
II. c. acc., theous p. sing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, Pl.Epin.980b: c. dupl. acc., humnon prosepaisamen . . ton . . Erōta sang a hymn in praise of Eros, Id.Phdr.265c.
2. banter, “tous rhētorasId.Mx.235c, cf. Euthd.285a; p. ton kuna, ton arkton, tantalize, Luc.Dom.24, Ael.NA4.45.
katokōkh-ē , ,
A.= katokhē, possession, “tēs khōras
II. being possessed, inspiration, “theia moira kai katokōkhēPl.Ion536c; “apo Mousōn k.Id.Phdr.245a,
Plat. Phaedrus [244e] has entered in and by oracular power has found a way of release for those in need, taking refuge in prayers and the service of the gods, and so, by purifications and sacred rites, he who has this madness is made safe for the present and the after time, and for him who is rightly possessed of madness a release from present
The ANTITHESIS for any Disciple of Christ (Christian) will by definition speak that which is written for our learning instead of songs and sermons written by people engaged in a religious EMPORIUM selling their own bodies as superior to the PRIMITIVE TEXT.
Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
1Peter 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
latr-eia , , A.the state of a hired labourer, service
service to the gods, divine worship, Pl.Ap.23c, Phdr.244e

Romans 9:4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;
Romans 9:5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Plat. Phaedrus 245a ills is found. And a third kind of possession and madness comes from the Muses. This takes hold upon a gentle and pure soul, arouses it and inspires it to songs and other poetry, and thus by adorning countless deeds of the ancients educates later generations. But he who without the divine madness comes to the doors of the Muses, confident that he will be a good poet by art, meets with no success, and the poetry of the sane man vanishes into nothingness before that of the inspired madmen.
1Timothy 2:10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
1Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
Contrary to Hicks that is not because people in Tennessee are PRIMITIVE or ignorant red-necks. You need to know that church has a one piece pattern and NO performing or hypocritical roles: This is reading 101A.

        1Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved,

                and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 
Hicks says that worship in spirit and in truth DOES not have any connection to the Biblical Text.  However, disciples would understand that:

1 Timothy 2.4 hos pantas anthrōpous thelei sōthēnai kai eis epignōsin alētheias elthein.

Patho means passions or suffering and Logikos  logikos from logia

1Pet. 4:11 If any man speak,
        let him SPEAK as the oracles of God;
        if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth:
        that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
        to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.


        epos , generally, that which is uttered in words, speech, tale,   joined with muthos, [THEOLOGY]
song or lay accompanied by music, 8.91,17.519. 4. word of a deity, oracle, Od.12.266, Hdt.1.13, etc
        4. word of a deity, oracle, Od.12.266, Hdt.1.13, etc. . So he took possession of the sovereign power and was confirmed in it
        by the Delphic oracle for APOLLO OR POLLYON

God Hides from the wise or Sophos: Rhetoricians, personal opinions, singing, playing instruments or the PATHETIC.
  The Holy Scripture which Theology replaces or CO-INSPIRES. LU's Theology department MOCKS the Word, Logos or REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE.

Paul silenced the women or said let the WOMEN LEARN IN SILENCE. Learning is the one-piece pattern and the reason was DID THE WORD ORIGINATE WITH YOU.  John wants women to be visible and audible which distracts all present and interfers with SPEAK that which written for our learning.

Women who preach imitate men who preach intending to SILENCE the songs and sermons of God. John Mark Hick promotes the females in WORSHIP TEAM where authentia authority is exercised meaning EROTIC AND MURDEROUS.  There are no ROLES where Jesus invites the twos and Threes to REST in a secluded space and LEARN OF ME.  John Mark Hicks wants women to follow in the path for which there is no ROLE and no DOLE.
logi^k-os , ē, on, (logos)
A. of or for speaking or speech, merē l. the organs of speech, Plu.Cor.38:
merē  b. with Preps., “kata ti merosPl.Lg.757e; “kata to polu m.Id.Ti.86d; ek merous in part, “ginōskomen1 Ep.Cor.13.9
1Cor. 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy [inspired speech] in part.
1Cor. 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

Plut. Cor. 38 But that articulate speech, and language so clear and abundant and precise, [diērmosmenou meresi logikois] should proceed from a lifeless thing, is altogether impossible; since not even the soul of man, or the Deity, without a body duly organized and fitted with vocal parts, has ever spoken and conversed.
logikē, , speech,
Opposite. mousikē,
phantasia human imagination expressed in speech, c. creative imagination,
                “ph. sophōtera mimēseōs dēmiourgosPhilostr.VA6.19.
                 Opposite rhētorikē ph , poetry, human compositions

II.  possessed of reason, intellectual, “merosTi.Locr.99e, al.; “to l. zōon   
        dianoētikai, Mind Opposite. ēthikai, Arist.EN1108b9.
        Ethi^k-os , A. ēthos11) moral, Opposite. dianoētikos, Arist.EN1103a5,
        al.; ta ēthika a treatise on morals,
2. dialectical, argumentative, hoi l. dialogoi
    logical, l. sullogismoi, Opposite. rhētorikoi, Rh.1355a13.
peri logikōn title of work, Opposite to phusikon, to ēthikon,
And Phusikos is the opposite of logikos
phu^sikos , ē, onA. natural, produced or caused by nature, inborn, native,
II. of or concerning the order of external nature, natural, physical, ph. epistēmē
2. ho inquirer into nature, natural philosopher,
4. Adv. “-kōsaccording to the laws of nature,
phu^sikos  is the Opposite of logikōs,
Logos , Opposite. kata pathos, Arist.EN1169a5 or personal experiences
                    Pathos as poieo en. Anab. 5.3.5

                    4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p. theogoniēn Hellēsi
Anab. 5.3.5] As for Xenophon, he caused a votive offering to be made out of Apollo's share of his portion and dedicated it in the treasury of the Athenians at Delphi, inscribing upon it his own name and that of Proxenus, who was killed with Clearchus;1 for Proxenus was his friend.2
Opposite matēn , Dor. mata_n ma^, Adv. random, balse, dreams
Opposite human reasoning.
Opposite muthos, as history to legend, opposite Logos
intelligent utterance,  Opposite phōnē, 3. any articulate sound,
4. of sounds made by inanimate objects, mostly Poet., “kerkidos ph.S.Fr.595; suriggōnE.Tr.127 (lyr.); “aulōn Mnesim.4.56 (anap.); rare in early Prose, “organōn phōnai Pl.R.397a; freq. in LXX, “ ph. tēs salpiggosLXX Ex.20.18; ph. brontēs ib. Ps.103(104).7;
Opposite inarticulate noise (psophos
psoph-os , also of musical instruments, lōtou, kitharas, E.Ba.687, Cyc.443; of a trumpet, Paus.2.21.3.
prose, Opposite poiēsis, Id.R.390a; Opposite. psilometria, Arist.Po.1448a11; Opposite. emmetra, l. touto tōn metrōn (sc. to iambeion)“
pezoi, Opposite poiētikē,

pezos , ē, on, (v. pous) : 2. of verse, un accompanied by music, “kai peza kai phormiktaS.Fr.16 ; pezō goō: aneu aulou ē luras, without the lyre
2. without musical accompaniment (cf. 11.2), pausai melōdous' alla p. moi phrason. Pl.Sph.237a.


Gender Inclusive and Egalitarian Churches of Christ
Gal328 Gender Justice in Church of Christ
        D'Esta Love Pepperdine Board of Directors for
        -Mike Cope Women Worship Leaders

Doug Hurley Your Sons and Daughters shall Prophesy at ACU
See Ken Cukrowski Women in Ministry at ACU
See Ken Cukrowski claiming that the old and new testaments authorizes women prophets.
Jeff Walling Women in Ministry

Russ Adcox Women in Ministry
Carroll D. Osburn Women and Change Agenda

Wiley Clarkson one of Ken Cukrowski's disciples
John Mark Hicks Women in the Assembly: Prophesying
Rubel Shelly Homosexuals and Women justice
1. Rubel Shelly Women in God's Service

2. Rubel Shelly: Women in God's Service: Jesus Life and Service
Al Maxey Miriam as Musical Worship Minister
The Britannica Online notes that:
The nature of prophecy is twofold:
either inspired (by visions or revelatory auditions),
or acquired (by learning certain techniques). In many cases both aspects are present.
The goal of learning certain prophetic techniques is to reach an ecstatic state in which revelations can be received. That state might be reached through the use of music, dancing, drums, violent bodily movement, and self-laceration.  

The nature of prophecy is twofold: either inspired (by visions or revelatory auditions), or acquired (by learning certain techniques). In many cases both aspects are present. The goal of learning certain prophetic techniques is to reach an ecstatic state in which revelations can be received. That state might be reached through the use of music, dancing, drums, violent bodily movement, and self-laceration. The ecstatic prophet is regarded as being filled with the divine spirit, and in this state the deity speaks through him.

Ecstatic oracles, therefore, are generally delivered by the prophet in the first-person singular pronoun and are spoken in a short, rhythmic style. (See inspiration, revelation, ecstasy.)

That prophets employing ecstatic techniques have been called madmen is accounted for by descriptions of their loss of control over themselves when they are "possessed" by the deity. Prophets in ecstatic trances often have experienced sensations of corporeal transmigration (such as the 6th-century-BC Old Testment prophet Ezekiel and the 6th-7th-century-AD founder of Islam, Muhammad). Such prophets are believed to have a predisposition for such unusual sensations.

Greek: ekstasis, "to stand outside of or transcend [oneself ]"), in mysticism, the experience of an inner vision of God or of one's relation to or union with the divine. Various methods have been used to achieve ecstasy, which is a primary goal in most forms of religious mysticism. The most typical consists of four stages:

(1) purgation (of bodily desire);
purification (of the will);
illumination (of the mind); and
unification (of one's being or will with the divine).

Other methods are: dancing (as used by the Mawlawiyah, or whirling dervishes, a Muslim Sufi sect); the use of sedatives and stimulants (as utilized in some Hellenistic mystery religions); and the use of certain drugs, such as peyote, mescaline, hashish, LSD, and similar products (in certain Islamic sects and modern experimental religious groups).

Most mystics, both in the East and in the West, frown on the use of drugs because no permanent change in the personality (in the mystical sense) has been known to occur.

In certain ancient Israelite prophetic groups, music was used to achieve the ecstatic state, in which the participants, in their accompanying dancing, were believed to have been seized by the hand of Yahweh, the God of Israel, as in the case of Saul, the 11th-century-bc king of Israel.

The Pythia (priestess) of the Greek oracle at Delphi often went into an ecstatic state during which she uttered sounds revealed to her by the python (the snake, the symbol of resurrection), after drinking water from a certain spring.

Her "words" were then interpreted by a priest to help a suppliant find a way to avoid calamities, especially death. In primitive religions, ecstasy was a technique highly developed by shamans, religious personages with healing and psychic-transformation powers, in their "soul," or "spirit," flights. (See Delphic oracle.) "ecstasy" Encyclopædia Britannica Online

See Ezekiel 13 on Women Prophesiers used to "make souls fly." This is the testimony of the Spirit OF Christ.
  1. There were no inspired prophets in Corinth. Paul taught them what he taught to others and the Corinthians had no supernatural chanel: Paul would write them a letter if they needed any instructions about PREACHING the Word by READING the Word for comfort and Doctrine of Christ.
  2. There were no prophets who 'spoke the Word of God by inspiration. In chapter 12 the 'necessary inference" is that there would only be ONE. Why would you need more?
  3. There were male and femal "prophesiers" outside of the assembly. He warned against the emasculated witchcraft in Galatians 5
  4. But, surely he doesn't want gender confused males and females singing, clapping, gyrating and maybe playing instruments? That would show lack of reverence and godly fear: Paul warns that God is a CONSUMING FIRE. 
  5. If they had one godly elder they might prophesy by "teaching that which had been taught" by Christ in the writing prophets and the prophecies made more certain by Jesus and left for our "memory" by men like Peter. He left his "prophesying in part." If that has not been perfected then Jesus and the apostles failed.
  6. Peter said that that certified prophecy was not subject to private interpretation or further expounding. He left that as the only way we could mark and avoid false teachers.
  7. Or does he reject the TEXT and follow theology to impose the Emporium new style of worshipDo prayers and prophesiers become STAFF?

Paul wrote specificially to warn the Corinthians who thought that their own old pagan madness called "prophesying" could be used to LEAD in revealing new things for the church.  Paul headed them off thinking that they were revealing prophets or spiritual people in any sense. When the PARTIAL prophecies were collected the COMPLETE or perfect revelation would be known.  Paul provided a way for one who thought that they should prophesy or speak a tongue or minor dialect to prove themselves.


Isaiah 57:19 I create the fruit of the lips;
        Peace, peace to him that is far off,
        and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him.

pāco , pacified, quieted, peaceful, quiet, calm, tranquil, undisturbed
B. Trop.: “oratio pacatior, quĭesco = I.a. [quies], to rest, repose, keep quiet.
4. To make a pause in speaking A. To suffer or allow quietly, to peaceably permit a thing to be done:
b. Of the mind, calm, tranquil, free from ambition: PAX Grace, favor, pardon, assistance of the gods, peace! silence! enough!

Ephesians 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise,
         BUT understanding what the WILL of the Lord is.
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
John 6:63  the WORDS that I speak unto you, they are spirit,
Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess;
        BUT be filled with the Spirit
John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:
    THE WORDS that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
Ephesians 5:19
How?          Speaking
  to yourselves
Resouce?  in psalms and hymns and spiritual [inspired] songs,
How?           teaching and admonishing
Audience?  one another
Resource? in psalms and hymns and spiritual [inspired] songs,
 [BUT]        singing and making melody IN your heart         TO the Lord; [BUT]           singing with grace IN your hearts        to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always for all things

        unto God and the Father
        in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Colossians 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed,
       do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
       giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

Isaiah 57:20 But the WICKED are like the troubled sea,
        when it CANNOT rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
Impĭus (inp- ),
I. without reverence or respect for God, one's parents, or one's country; irreverent, ungodly, undutiful, unpatriotic; abandoned, wicked, impious (rare but class.; cf.: nefarius, sacrilegus). i. e. treasonably,

Redundant  Asiatici oratores parum pressi et nimis redundantes,ex rerum cognitione efflorescat et redundet oportet oratio,pour forth copiously, abundantly, Cic. de Or. 1, 6, 20: “ut neque in Antonio deesset hic ornatus orationis neque in Crasso redundaret,

fructusII. Transf., concr., the enjoyment that proceeds from a thing, proceeds, produce, product, fruit, profit, income.  fetus, taking captive (heretic) alicujus amoris et judicii   graviore sono tibi Musa loquetur Nostra, dabunt cum maturos mihi tempora fructus,specto = 1 To look at or see (a play or an actor) as a spectator, to look on: “fabulam,
Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, muse, one of the goddesses of poetry, music,
A. [select] A song, a poem: “musa procax,Hor. C. 2, 1, 37: “pedestris,a style of poetry bordering on prose, id. S. 2, 6, 17.—  philosophical studies, commercium
Mousa A.Olumpiades M., Dios aigiokhoio thugateres  [always "daughters"] II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugeraA.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamosId.Supp.695 (lyr.); “kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousas
lŭtum , to be as cheap as dirt: As a term of reproach, mud, filth: ludis “O tenebrae, o lutum, o sordes,offscouring of the earth
Isaiah 57:20] impii autem quasi mare fervens quod quiescere non potest et redundant fluctus eius in conculcationem et lutum
Quĭesco ,
quiērunt Aequora,the waves are at rest, do not rise, standing waters,
2.  Act., to cause to cease, render quiet, stop, etc.: “laudes, Sen. Herc. Oet. 1584.—Hence, quĭētus , a, um, P. a., at rest, calm, quiet
4. To make a pause in speaking: quiescere, id est, hēsukhazein, ludendi est quidem modus
Silence: lūdo , B. To play, sport, frisk, frolic: “dum se exornat, nos volo Ludere inter nos,have some fun, dance,
Silence:  A. go sport, play with any thing, to practise as a pastime, amuse one's self with any thing “carmina pastorum,
Silence: B.  to sport, dally, wanton (cf. "amorous play," Milton, P. L. 9, 1045): “scis solere illam aetatem tali ludo ludere,Plaut. Most. 5,
Silence: C. Ludere aliquem or aliquid, to play, mock, imitate, mimic a person or thing imitate work, make believe work, 
Mŏdus 2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: musici, Quint. 1, 10, 14: lyrici,Ov. H. 15, 6: “fidibus Latinis Thebanos aptare modos,Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 12: Bacchico exsultas (i. e. exsultans) modo, Enn. ap. Charis [grace]. p. 214 P. (Trag. v. 152 Vahl.): “flebilibus modis concinere,Cic. Tusc. 1, 44, 106: saltare [dance] ad tibicinis modos, to the music or sound of the flute, Liv. 7, 2: “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis,Juv. 7, 19.—Fig.: verae 


 Isaiah 57:21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked

pax , I.  peace, concluded between parties at variance, esp. between belligerents; a treaty of peace; tranquillity, the absence of war, amity, reconciliation
1. Grace after a quarrel, public or private, favor, pardon, assistancepacem ab Aesculapio petas,
4. Peace in the church, harmony (eccl. Lat.): “quamdiu pax est in populo Dei 4. Pax, as an interj., peace! silence! enough! pax,  peace of the gods: “, rest, quietease.
4. Peace, in the church, harmony (eccl. Lat.): “quamdiu pax est in populo Dei


Paul uses lots of irony to a people who thought they were spiritual but Paul said they were carnal. The primary problem would be pagan women "joining" the church and wanting to IMPOSE their olde pagan worship to destroy the School of Christ which has no performing roles.

1Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:

        for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
        but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

The CENI in Greek: Musical performance in The School of Christ is more of a MARK than a CAUSE.
Si_gaō , hush, be still, keep silence
2. metaph. of things, “sigōn d' olethros kai mega phōnount' . . amathuneiA.Eu.935 (anap.); “surigges ou sigōsinId.Supp.181; “sigēse d' aithēr
surigx , iggos, ,
A.shepherd's pipe, Panspipe, “aulōn suriggōn t' enopēIl.10.13; “nomēes terpomenoi surigxi18.526; “suriggōn enopēh.Merc.512; “hupo ligurōn suriggōn hiesan audēnHes.Sc.278; “ou molpan  [Sing of, dance or rhythmic movement with song,]  suriggos ekhōnS.Ph.213 (lyr.); kalaminē s. Ar.Fr.719; “kat' agrous tois nomeusi surigx an tis eiēPl.R.399d.
2. cat-call, whistle, hiss, as in theatres, Id.Lg.700c; cf. “surizō11.2, surigmos:—the last part of the nomos [LEGALISM] Puthikos was called surigges, prob. because it imitated the dying hisses of the serpent Pytho, Str.9.3.10.
3. mouthpiece of the aulos,
phōn-eō  4. of a musical instrument, sound, E.Or.146 (lyr.); of sounds, hēdu phōnein sound sweetly, Plu.2.1021b; but brontē ph. it has a voice, is significant, X.Ap.12.
Plat. Laws 700c  The authority whose duty it was to know these regulations, and, when known, to apply them in its judgments and to penalize the disobedient, was not a pipe nor, as now, the mob's unmusical shoutings, nor yet the clappings which mark applause: in place of this,
        it was a rule made by those in control of education
        that they themselves should listen throughout in silence,
        while the children and their ushers and the general crowd
        were kept in order by the discipline of the rod.
La^l-eō , b. [select] generally, talk, speak, S.Ph.110 (v.l.for lakein)“; kainēn dialekton l.Antiph.171; “Attikisti l.Alex.195.4. c. metaph., zōgraphia lalousa (of poetry)
chatter, opp. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix (sc. eimi), a very grasshopper to chirp at midday, Aristopho 10.6; “anthrōpinōs l.Strato Com.1.46.
III. [select] of musical sounds, “aulō laleōTheoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou ē salpiggos l.Arist. Aud.801a29; of Echo, D.C.74.14: also c.acc. cogn., magadin lalein sound the magadis, Anaxandr.35.
The CENI in Latin
tăcĕo , Transf., for silere, of animals and things, concr. and abstr., to be still, noiseless, quiet, at rest from
gaudĕo  B. Act. or neutr., that does not speak, not uttering a sound, silent, still, quiet, noiseless, mute: “quod boni est, id tacitus taceas tute tecum et gaudeas,Plaut. Ep. 5, 1, 44: “tacitus tace modo, . meditating
What is done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent, implied, tacit: “non omnia scriptis, s
Pl. Epid. 5.1 EPIDICUS
Simpleton, hold your tongue! Through my endeavours, there's ready for you at home, in fact, a Music-girl for you to make love to; I too, through my endeavours, have restored your sister to liberty.
modo,2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: “musici,Quint. 1, 10, 14: lyrici,Ov. H. 15, 6: “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis,

Note: Psallo is never in recorded history used of Musical Melody.
     gaudĕo to take pleasure in, be pleased with, delight  equis canibusque,id. A. P. 162:
        rure, id. S. 1, 10, 45: “pictis tabellis,id. ib. 1, 1, 72:carmine (with delectari iambis)

MUSIC derived from mystery means "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter."

dēlecto ,  I. To allure from the right path, to entice away, to seduce (only ante-class.): me Apollo ipse delectat, ductat Delphicus
II. Meton. (effectus pro causa), to delight, sc. by attracting, alluring; to please, charm, amuse
interea cum Musis nos delectabimus aequo animo,id. Att. 2, 4, 2; cf.: “cum Musis delectari,

Paul put worship IN THE SPIRIT instead of IN THE FLESH to prevent the invasion of the concision or "dogs." Dogs were Cynics who "howled" out an old style praise song looking for another dog to bed down with for the night.
canis ipse tacet,”  The dogs are to be silent and the howling of the Cynics cănis a. A shameless, vile person D. A Cynic philosopher: “Diogenes cum choro canum suorum,
2. As the regular designation of the hangers-on or parasites of an eminent or rich Roman; a follower, dog, creature: “multa sibi opus esse, multa canibus
plectra dolore tacent; “muta dolore lyra est,id. H. 15, 198: “tacet stridor litui,Sen. Thyest. 575: “essedo tacente,

Psallo OUTLAWS the plectra.

carmenalso versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque  citharae liquidum carmen,” “lyrae carmen,
Paul and all honest Apostles were guided into all TRUTH by Jesus Christ the Paraclete or Comforter. Truth, therefore, means that we worship or give attendance to the Word of Christ which is written for our LEARNING.
Jesus died to give us REST so that we can "Come learn of ME." That is a direct command, is followed by all faithful Christians and is INFERENCED by anyone who loved the truth.  To LEARN OF ME Paul understood that both male and female had to stop their old pagan and perverted worship IN THE SPIRIT (place) as opposed to IN THE FLESH (place).

Pauo means: Stop worshipping the MUSES

kata-pauô put an end to, stop

3. depose from power, k. tina tês archês, tês basilêïês, Hdt.4.1, 6.64; tous turannous Id.5.38 , cf. 2.144, 7.105; Mousas depose them from their honours, cease to worship them, tês basilêïês katepausthê Hdt. 1.130 , cf. 6.71.

The CENI also outlaws SELLING learning at wholesale other than the elders "teaching that which has been taught." Preachers get no private or theologican opinions to impose dogmatically on others knowing, as did the Scribes and Pharisees, they have to teach their own doctrine to silence the doctrine of Christ which is required to be able to FLEECE the Widows.

Hicks and the once-Christian colleges are training women to be USED in the ministry and the game plan is that they will force the churches to HIRE them.

And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Fathers house an house of merchandise. Jn.2:16

Emporion (g1712) em-por'-ee-on; neut. from 1713; a mart ("emporium"): - merchandise.
Emporos (g1713) em'-por-os; from 1722 and the base of 4198; a (wholesale) tradesman: - merchant.

2 Cor 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

Kapeleuo (g2585) kap-ale-yoo'-o; from kapelos , (a huckster); to retail, i.e. (by impl.) to adulterate (fig.): - corrupt

kapêl-euô ,A. to be a retail-dealer, drive a petty trade... kapêleu' drive a trade, chaffer with your vegetable food Hdt.1.155

II. c. acc., sell by retail, mathêmata sell learning by retail, hawk it abouttraffic in grants of citizenship [membership?], prostitutesplaying tricks with life

Hdt.1.155 Heredotus: Cyrus told how to take the FIGHT out of the enemy: [4] But pardon the Lydians, and give them this command so that they not revolt or pose a danger to you:
        send and forbid them to possess weapons of war,
        and order them to wear tunics under their cloaks
        and knee-boots on their feet,
        and to teach their sons lyre-playing [kitharizein]
        and song [psallein] and dance
        and shop-keeping [huckstering].
        And quickly, O king,
        you shall see them become women instead of men,
        so that you need not fear them, that they might revolt."
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae [985] Let us form fresh measures that keep good time, and may our songs resound to the very heavens. Do thou, oh divine Bacchus, who art crowned with ivy, direct our chorus; 'tis to thee that both my hymns and my dances are dedicated.

[995] Echo, the nymph of Cithaeron, returns thy words, which resound beneath the dark vaults of the thick foliage and in the midst of the rocks of the forest; the ivy [1000] enlaces thy brow with its tendrils charged with flowers.

kuklos A. kukla Il. , etc., v. infr.11.1, 3,9, 111.1:--ring, circle, hoppote min dolion peri kuklon agôsin, of the circle which hunters draw round their game, Od.4.792; k. deka chalkeoi (concentric) circles of brass on a round shield,
3. place of assembly, of the “agora, hieros k.Il.18.504; “ho k. tou Zēnos tōgoraiou
agoraios a^g, on, (fem. -aia epith. of Artemis and Athena, v. infr.):—, of, or belonging to the agora, Zeus A. as guardian of popular assemblies, Hdt.5.46, A.Eu.973 (lyr.), E.Heracl.70; Hermēs A. as patron of traffic, Il.18.504  those who frequented the agora, hence, the common sort, low fellows, . agoraios vulgar, agoraios public speaker, drawn by Ammon., requent theagora, hai gunaikes a. kai kapēleuousi
3. place of assembly, of the “agora, hieros k.Il.18.504; “ho k. tou Zēnos tōgoraiouSchwyzer 701 B6 (Erythrae, v B.C.); agoras k. (cf. kukloeis) E.Or.919; of the amphitheatre, D.C.72.19.
 Acts 17:5 But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.

Women in the Assembly: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

The "missional" church intends to CLAIM the five-fold supernatural gifts Paul defined in Ephesians 4 without naming self-speakers, singers or instrument players.  Several have claimed Miriam and others as "prophetesses" which authorizes a female worship leader.  Several NACC writers have proposed the restoration of the PROPHESIER because they think that has the same meaning as being a PROPHET.  The prophesy of Joel is also used: He lists the SIGNS by which the Spirit OF Christ told us how to identify the Kingdom Of God coming with power and Jesus Christ as the sole teacher. This could happen only when the Jewish practices which were "like the nations" had been silenced.

Once these SIGNS had been manifested it would be a sign of unbelief to expect that the signs be performed JUST FOR YOU. For instance, the prophesying was "bowing to Baal" and the tiny remnant (perhaps the 120) would be left who had not bowed to Baal.  Bowing to Baal was singing, playing, gyrating which caused a frenzy so that they wounded himself.  While Elijah made fun of the prophets of Asherah and Baal under Jezebel, He simply SPOKE the Word and God gave everyone a SIGN which does not need repeating unless you doubt the power of God.  Zechariah also defines the time when the BRANCH or Messiah comes and warns:

Zech 13:1 In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem
         for sin and for uncleanness.
Zechariah 13:2 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts,
        that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land,
        and they shall no more be remembered:
        and also I will cause the PROPHETS and the unclean [impurity] SPIRIT
        to pass out of the land.
And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy,
then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him,
Thou shalt not live;
        for thou speakest lies in the name of the Lord:
        and his father and his mother that begat him shall
        thrust him through when he prophesieth. Zechariah 13:3
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision,
when he hath prophesied;  neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive: Zechariah 13:4
Pallium   The Romans were accustomed to wear it only when they resided among Greeks. It was also the dress of the hetaerae, both Greek and Roman, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 93; Ov. Am. 1, 4, 50; id. A. A. 1, 153: “pallium in collum conicere (as was customary with persons about to exert themselves),
a togā ad pallium,of sinking from a high to a lower rank,  the philosopher's cloak

Diod. 12.21 a free-born woman may not be accompanied by more than one female slave, unless she is drunk; she may not leave the city during the night, unless she is planning to commit adultery; she may not wear gold jewelry or a garment with a purple border, unless she is a courtesan; and a husband may not wear a gold-studded ring or a cloak of Milesian fashion unless he is bent upon prostitution or adultery.

h155 addereth glory, splendor, magnificence, mantle, made of for or fine material, mantel of Elijah

Joshua 7:21 When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.
Christ in Jeremiah 23 says that if you say that God said something which is not true you despise God and His Word and this word is blasphemy.

The Daughters of Philip were "prophesiers" but God sent Agabus as a prophet to warn Paul.

Therefore, the first few verses speak to those OUTSIDE of the Assembly in Corinth.

February 20, 2009

John Mark Hicks changed his mind on women in the assembly and has sown lots of discord.  He says:

The reason for my shift in thinking was textual in character rather than theological.
        Theology is much more of my thinking now,
        but then I was focused specifically on what the text says
        (and I never want to do less than that even now).

The TEXT is not 11:10 in isolation.

That is why it is fruitless to try to untangle the THEOLOGY which repudiates the Scriptures, we will take a look at the TEXT and defines some words.  It is bad theology when you don't define the words in the TEXT before you reject them

John Mark Hicks: Instead, I was convinced that Paul not only approved praying and prophesying by women in the assembly but that he encouraged it!

Once he has resoned himself into dogmatically asserting that women are AUTHORIZED to pray and prophesy rather than keep her authority on her HEAD, it is easy to conclude that the other absolute prohibitions of male ro female from usurping the authority of the elders commanded to Teach that which has been taught.

When the men with SUPERNATURAL GIFTS fulfilled their mission it would deny the power of the Word and Christ to insist that YOU must also have that gift. For heaven's sake, please send us some preachers with the gift of READING the Word which needs no theologians or doctors of the law to "take away the key to knowledge."

We exercise those Apostolic and Prophetic gifts when we teach that which has been taught and interpreted when we read the Word and can honestly say "Thus saith the LORD."

2 Peter 1  defines his record left for OUR memory.
That was not subject to private interpretation or further expounding.
        That was his way of showing how a false teacher could be identified and marked.

2 Peter 2 defines false Teachers who do not teach what he and others left for our memory.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people,
        even as there shall be false teachers among you,
        who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
        even denying the Lord that bought them, [the trinity]
        and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways;
        by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:
whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural [instinctive] brute [Anti-Logical] brute beasts, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe]
          made to be taken and destroyed,
          speak evil of the things that they understand not; [through lack of knowledge]
          and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

Peter warned against the to truphōn
II. luxuriousness, wantonness,tōn gunaikōn t.Ar.Lys.387; t. kai akolasia, t. kai malthakia,Pl.Grg.492c, R.590b; “ en hēmera t.2 Ep.Pet.2.13; “hupertetamenē t.Sor.2.54: personified, “Truphēs prosōpon” -Ar.Ec.973

: G5446 phusikos foo-see-kos' From G5449 [natural descent] ; “physical”, that is, (by implication) instinctive:--natural. Compare G5591
III. later, belonging to occult laws of nature, magical, ph. pharmaka spells or amulets, Alex. Trall.1.15; “phusikois khrēsthaiGp.2.18.8; ph. therapeia ib.2.42.3; ph. daktulioi Sch.Ar.Pl.884. Adv. “-kōsGp.9.1.5.

Bruit: G249 alogos [Anti-Logical] al'-og-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3056 ; irrational:--brute, unreasonable. alogos , on,

Paul denied that the evil group had ANY supernatural gifts: not even the gift of sitting down and shutting up to hear the Word PREACHED by being READ for our Comfort and Doctrine.

John Mark Hicks: Reading 1 Corinthians 11:10 with the literal active voice (“has authority”) instead of the presumed passive voice (“sign of authority”), Paul states that a woman has authority (has the right!) to pray and prophesy when she honors her head through the covering.

A woman is NOT doomed to fall into some altered state when the always-pagan and Christ-silencing singing, playing, clapping and doing body gyrations. Music was more powerful than wine and drugs in inducing ECSTASY. A woman has the AUTHORITY to refuse to become part of a public spectacle purpose driven to silence the voice of the victim.  A woman has the AUTHORITY or personal power to NOT fall for the deliberate teaching of those deliberately sowing discord. A woman has the WILL to not fall into the folly of effeminate males.

Hicks has the right to CHANGE any passage in the TEXT in the interest of THEOLOGY.  However, those not of the band of theologians base their Christian Discipline on the teachings of Christ in the Prophets and Jesus who made the prophecies more certain. Peter warned that this "left memory' is not subject to private interpretation or further expounding.

Paul worked in areas where people were not converted out of pagan ism or were JUST OUT of paganism. 

1 Corinthians 10 warns the Corinthians against DEMON WORSHIP: He reminds them of the warning pattern when is rose up to play meaning the musical idolatry of the
Egyptian trinity under the figure of Apis the golden calf. We know from Egyptian resources how they worshipped the trinities common to all pagans.

The condition in Corinth could have Paul conclude that they were ignorant of history.

1Corinthians 10:1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant,
        how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
1Corinthians 10:2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
1Corinthians 10:3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
1Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink:
        for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
1Corinthians 10:5 But with many of them God was not well pleased:
        for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
1Corinthians 10:6 Now these things were our examples,
         to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
1Corinthians 10:7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written,
        The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.

Exodus 32 They Sat Down to Eat and rose up to play: they repudiated The Book of The Covenant of Grace given by Christ to Abraham to ALL NATIONS.
Surgo they rose up in insurrection AGAINST God.

Hêdonais 3. Pl., desires after pleasure, pleasant lusts, X.Mem.1.2.23, Ep.Tit.3.3,

"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).

Ludo  A. To sport, play with any thing, to practise as a pastime, amuse one's self with any thing, B. To sport, dally, wantonly Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song: carmina pastorum,

 Vellem a comedy which wishes (i. e. is meant) to be in demandb. Of the wishes of those that have a right to command, the gods, masters, parents, commanders, etc., I want, wish, will, am resolved, it is my will:

Canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play, Less freq. of instrumental music, and only with abl. of the instrument, in comedy, to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing,

Tuba war trumpet, Apart from military purposes, it was used on various occasions, as at religious festivals, games, funerals, a signal for wor, exciter, instigator.

Empaizō , fut. To be deluded  2. euphem. in mal. part., LXXJd. 19.25.

Jdg 19:25 But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go.

II. sport in or on, hôs nebros chloerais e. leimakos hêdonais E.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois choroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; tôi  Luc.Lex.5

Paig-ma , atos, to,
A. play, sport, lōtos hotan . . paigmata bremē whene'er the pipe sounds its sportive strains, E.Ba.161(lyr.); “Ludia p. lurasLyr.Alex.Adesp.37.15.
II. 'child's play', to toiouto p. tōn logōn
Deuteronomy 32 They Rose Up To Play
1 Corinthians 10 They sat Down to Eat and Rose Up To Play  God gave Israel The Book of The Covenant of Grace as that made by Christ to Abraham.  The Israelites engaged in musical idolatry of the Egyptian trinity. God gave them The Book of The Law and Moses coultd not atone for them. The Angle (Christ) led them but God said nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them.

1Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: [pattern]
        and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fal

PAUL WILL CONTINUE THIS IN CHAPTER 12 (only one prophet required) and CHAPTER 13.


1Corinthians 11:4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.
1Corinthians 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head:
        for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
1Corinthians 11:4 Every man praying or prophesying,
        having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.  kataka^luptō , having covered his head

John Mark Hicks: Since Paul approved audible female participation in the assembly in 1 Corinthians 11, he could not have meant that they should be silenced in 1 Corinthians 14.  So, what did he mean?  I concluded that he either meant that disruptive women should be silent (e.g., the wives of the prophets interrupting the assembly with their questions or women babbling in disorderly Greco-Roman cultic style) or that women were precluded from “judging” the prophets (which is the view I take in this presentation). Paul did not prohibit women from speaking per se, but from a particular kind of speaking, a disruptive or intrusive speaking.

Reading 1 Corinthians 11:10 with the literal active voice (“has authority”) instead of the presumed passive voice (“sign of authority”), Paul states that a woman has authority (has the right!) to pray and prophesy when she honors her head through the covering.

1Corinthians 11:10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.

1Corinthians NET, ASV, NIV 11:10 For this reason a woman should [opheil-ō  Ought bound ]
        have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
1 Corinthians 11.10 dia touto opheilei gunē exousian ekhein epi tēs kephalēs dia tous aggelous.

Opheil-eo to be due, to be bound: as a legal term, to be bound to render, incur penalty, is obligated.

keep, having control, keep watch, keep fast, contain

, , (exesti)
A.power, authority to do a thing, exousian ho nomos dedōke permission to do, power over, licence in a thing, II. office, magistracy,arkhai kai e
The Angels are the pseudo prophets marked by speaking in tongues or playing instruments.
Aggelos , ho, , A. messenger, envoy, Il.2.26, etc.; “di' aggelōn homileein tiniHdt.5.92.z, cf. SIG229.25 (Erythrae):— prov., Arabios a., of a loquacious person, Men.32.
2. generally, one that announces or tells, e.g. of birds of augury, Il.24.292,296; Mousōn aggelos, of a poet, Thgn.769; “aggele earos . . khelidoi
kheli_d-ōn the twittering of the swallow was prov. used of barbarous tongues by the Greeks,eiper esti khelidonos dikēn agnōta phōnēn barbaron kektēmenēA.Ag.1050: hence ho kh., = ho barbaros, Ion l.c.; “Thrēkia kh. epi barbaron hezomenē petalonAr.Ra.681 (lyr.); khelidonōn mouseia bowers that ring with poetasters' twitterings, ib.93 (parodied from aēdonōn mouseia

Aesch. Ag. 1035
It is to you she has been speaking and clearly. Since you are in the toils of destiny, perhaps you will obey, if you are so inclined; but perhaps you will not.

[1050] Well, if her language is not strange and foreign, even as a swallow's [khelidonos], I must speak within her comprehension and move her to comply.

But if, failing to understand, you do not catch my meaning, then, instead of speech, make a sign with your barbarian hand.

But if, failing to understand, you do not catch my meaning, then, instead of speech, make a sign with your barbarian hand.It is an interpreter and a plain one that the stranger seems to need. She bears herself like a wild creature newly captured.

Therion only in Satyric drama includes
III. as a term of reproach, beast, creature, “ō deilotaton su thērionAr.Pl.439, cf. Eq.273; “kolaki, deinō thēriōPl.Phdr.240b; “Krētes, kaka th.Epimenid.1; dusnouthetēton th., of poverty, Men. Georg.78; “ mousikē aei ti kainon thērion tiktei

In its Revelation connection it means A New Style of Music or Drama.

No, she is mad [maineta] and listens to her wild mood, [1065] since she has come here from a newly captured city, and does not know how to tolerate the bit until she has foamed away her fretfulness in blood. No! I will waste no more words upon her to be insulted thus.Exit

aggelon glōssan logōnE.Supp.203
Eur. Supp. 203 He has my praise, whichever god brought us to live by rule from chaos and from brutishness, first by implanting reason, and next by giving us a tongue to declare our thoughts, so as to know the meaning of what is said,
aggelos 4.  in later philos., semi-divine being, “hēliakoi a.Jul.Or.4.141b, a. kai arkhaggeloi”  also in mystical and magical writings,
aggela nikēs
nik-ēi_, II. pr. n., Nike, the goddess of victory, Hes.Th.384, cf. Pi.I.2.26, etc.; “Nikē Athana PoliasS.Ph.134, cf. E. Ion457 (lyr.), 1529.
NLT For this reason, and because the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority.
ERV: for this cause ought the woman to have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels.
Weymouth: That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels.
YLT: because of this the woman ought to have a token of authority upon the head, because of the messengers;

However, Paul uses bitter irony against the Corinthians: not ALL of you have the GIFT do you? Do you? No

The task is to read and understand the word and NOT to give occupation to theologians who rank right up there with phrenologists and just sow opinionated discord.


1Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren,
        I would not have you ignorant.
1Corinthians 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles,
        carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

They were Carried away:
3. carry off as captives or booty, Il.1.367,9.594, A. Th.340, etc.; “akhthē agomenos para basileaHdt.6.30; agomenos, i.e. doulos, Archil.155, cf. E.Tr.140, Pl.Lg.914e; Dikēn agein to lead Justice forcibly away, Hes.Op.220; “ epithumia ageiArist.EN1147a34;
Epithu_m-ia , Ion. -, , 2.. c. gen., longing after a thing, desire of or for it,
As they were Led:
Apagomenoi.  render service, honour, etc., “kōmous pros taphonE.Tr.1184; “theōrian eis DēlonPl.Phd. 58b.
V.lead away, divert from the subject, esp. by sophistry, “apo tou ontos epi tounantionPl.Phdr.262b;
kōmos , ho, A.revel, carousal, merry-making
kōmoi kai euphrosunaiB.10.12; “deipna kai sun aulētrisi kōmoiPl.Tht.173d;
esp. in honour of gods, tois en astei Dionusiois pompē
2. concrete, band of revellers,
II. the ode sung at one of these festive processions, Pi.P.8.20, 70, O.4.10, B.8.103;
Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, 
        and offered sacrifice unto the idol, 
        and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.

, Ep. euphr-, fut. Att.155.12, Pi.I.7(6).3   II. Pass., make merry, enjoy oneself,
festivities A.Pr. 539, E.Ba.377

Eur. Ba. 377 Do you hear his unholy [375] insolence against Bromius, the child of Semele, the first deity of the gods at the banquets where guests wear beautiful garlands? He holds this office, to join in dances, [380] to laugh with the flute, and to bring an end to cares, whenever the delight of the grape comes at the feasts of the gods, and in ivy-bearing banquets [385] the goblet sheds sleep over men.

Pind. I. 6 Just as we mix the second bowl of wine when the men's symposium is flourishing, here is the second song of the Muses for Lampon's children and their athletic victories: first in Nemea, Zeus, in your honor they received the choicest of garlands,
khoros , ho, II. choir, band of dancers and singers, h. Ven.118, Pi.N.5.23, Fr.199; “sumphōnia kai khoroiEv.Luc.15.25.
Eidōlon, “gunaikos ei. khruseonHdt.1.51, cf.6.58: metaph., “logos ei. psukhēsIsoc.3.7.

Hdt. 6.58 while they live; when they die, their rights are as follows: Horsemen proclaim their death in all parts of Laconia, and in the city women go about beating on cauldrons. When this happens, two free persons from each house, a man and a woman, are required to wear mourning, or incur heavy penalties if they fail to do so.

"Musical Worship Teams" (A Hickism?) claims to stand in the holy place and "lead you into the presence of God." Giving Attendance to the Word of Christ is the unique worship word. Therefore, the musical and theatrical and rhetorical performers ARE the idols and they think that they are the image of God.

Elders as the Pastor Teachers are to PREVENT that and not to PROMOTE IT.

Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, 
        and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
        by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Panourg-êma , atos, to, A.knavish trick, villainySOPHIST. panourgeuma. Panourgeo play the knave, similr to citharizo
Sophis-teia , , A.sophistry, D.S.12.53, Plu.2.78f, D.L.2.113, etc.; opp. sophia [skill], Ph.1.10; s. mantikê, of Balaam, Apollon name of a number. The number of a man

Sophia skilled in music and singing, in poetry, in divination, in speaking  Hephaistos all of the buildings, arts, armour etc Cast out of heaven like Lucifer. Built temple for Apollo (Abaddon, Apollyon)

Sophis-tês , ou, ho, master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, of poets, meletan sophistais prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28 , cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, sophistês . . parapaiôn chelunII. from late v B.C., a Sophist, i.e. one who gave lessons in grammar, rhetoric, politics, mathematics, for money,  Even of Socrates (though he did not teach for money), 3. later of the rhêtores, Professors of Rhetoric
2. technê m. faculty of divination, prophecy. Having a daimonios heaven-sent, miraculous, marvellous
Erist-ikos A. eager for strife or battle 2. involving a contest (or perh. debate), pros ton dialektikon, technê sophistry, sullogismos, logos, sophism, fallacy,II. esp.fond of wrangling or arguing.

Playto, Cratylus says

"the part of appropriative, coercive, hunting art which hunts animals, land animals, tame animals, man, privately, FOR PAY, is paid in CASH, claims to GIVE education, and is a hunt after rich and promising youths, must--so our present argument concludes--be called SOPHISTRY.
1Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand,
        that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed:
        and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

THE IMPLICATION IS THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE LED BY THEIR OWN SPIRIT DO CALL JESUS CURSED.  So cursed that they do all in their power to SILENCE His voice and replace it with their own performances  (Jesus called them hypocrites).

1Corinthians 12:8 For to ONE is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom;
        to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
1Corinthians 12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit;
        to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

ONE prophet would be enough.  If you claim to have MANY PROPHESIERS how many do you have who can HEAL of speak an unlearned language.

1Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church,
        first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles,
        then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
1Corinthians 12:29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
1Corinthians 12:30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
1Corinthians 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

The Spirit OF Christ set men with supernatural gifts until the "prophesying" in PART was completed or perfected.  God does not give performers their theatrical talent just so they can say JESUS DIDN'T PAY IT ALL.

1Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
        and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
La^l-eō ,Mark of the Locusts
II.  chatter, Opposite. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix (sc. eimi), a very grasshopper to chirp at midday, 
III.  of musical sounds, “aulō [flute] laleōTheoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou [flute] ē salpiggos l.”[trumpet] Arist. Aud.801a29; of Echomagadin lalein sound the magadis,  [double flute]
aggelos , ho, , A  messenger, envoy, Il.2.26, etc.; “di' aggelōn homileein tiniHdt.5.92.z, cf. SIG229.25 (Erythrae):— prov., Arabios a., of a loquacious person, Men.32.
2. generally, one that announces or tells, e.g. of birds of augury, Il.24.292,296; Mousōn aggelos, of a poet, Thgn.769; “aggele earos . . khelidoi
4. in later philos., semi-divine being, “hēliakoi a.Jul.Or.4.141b, cf. Iamb.Myst.2.6, Procl. in R.2.243 K.; “a. kai arkhaggeloiTheol.Ar.43.10, cf. Dam.Pr.183, al.: also in mystical and magical writings,

1Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
1Corinthians 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles,
        carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.
1Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand,
        that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed:
        and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

This not yet IN THE ASSEMBLY: A man praying or prophesying while WEARING the tŏga 3
As women of loose character were not allowed to wear the proper female garment (the stola), and assumed the toga, poet. for a prostitute:

The stola was the traditional garment of Roman women, corresponding to the toga, or the pallium, that was worn by men. The stola was made of linen.

Originally, women wore togas as well, but after the 2nd century BC, the toga was worn exclusively by men, and women were expected to wear the stola. At that point, it was considered disgraceful for a woman to wear a toga; wearing the male garment was associated with prostitution and adultery.[1][2]

Yes! There are MALES performing the roles of FEMALES in what is called a "Musical Worship Team." Certainly, the Levites were assigned a role which had ALWAYS been that of females before the time of David. They were Jacob-Cursed and God-abandoned to PROPHESY with instruments which means as SOOTHSAYERS with instruments.  That involved the word sorcery in that it included calling down the "good" spirits or demons and driving out the bad spirits.

The women and a few strange men continued to prophesy wearing the garment of the prostitute priest and priestess of the mother goddess.

Males (gender-confused) men and women did NOT have the symbol of God's authority before they became believers and even now they were STILL CARNAL.  This is leading up to Paul's denying that ALL could or should have power to interpret the Will of Christ: the gift is to ONE person and another gift is to ANOTHER. Therefore, to pretend that women not anointed shoul pray or prophesy in the School of Christ is to miss the TEXT in trying to construct some THEOLOGY as a sign of the preacher's authority.
Catherine-Dick Kroeger Pandemonium and Silence There are significant indications that the old pagan religion still exerted a powerful influence on the recent converts at Corinth. They were uncomfortable over meat that had been offered to idols (8:1-13), and they had to be reminded not to attend sacrificial meals in pagan temples (10:20, 21) As in Bacchic feasts, there was drunkenness at the Lord's Supper and ecstatic madness at the worship services. A surprising description comes from the pen of the neo-Platonist Iamblichus as he explains the mystery cults, the popular religions of the day, for Dionysus was not the only god who inspired frenzy:
This was clearly speaking of the female Mad Women of Corinth who prophesied in their OLD LIVES.  Only gender confused males prophesied usually meaning singing and playing to induce madness in men to fleece them of their food money.  A man who was an evangelist did not wait for "the next appointed hour" to GO and preach the Word if he had been ordained as a prophet.

There were no true prophets in Corinth. There apparently were no prophesiers in speaking the Word of Christ by inspiration. There were no prophesiers that they taught what Paul and others had commanded them. There WERE prophesiers in the sense of those who sing, clap, play instruments, move the body (dance) intending to "Lead the worshipers into the presence of the gods."  These gods then and now were not God in Jesus Christ because neither the songs or sermons "speak that which is written for our learning."

Euripides, Bacchae

But this god is a prophet--for Bacchic revelry and madness have in them much prophetic skill. [300]  For whenever the god enters a body in full force, he makes the frantic to foretell the future. He also possesses a share of Ares' nature. For terror sometimes flutters an army under arms and in its ranks before it even touches a spear; [305]  and this too is a frenzy from Dionysus. You will see him also on the rocks of Delphi, bounding with torches through the highland of two peaks, leaping and shaking the Bacchic branch [John didn't do that says Jesus] , mighty throughout Hellas. But believe me, Pentheus; [310] do not boast that sovereignty has power among men, nor, even if you think so, and your mind is diseased, believe that you are being at all wise. Receive the god into your land, pour libations to him, celebrate the Bacchic rites [Romans 14], and garland your head.

Dionysus will not compel women [315]  to be modest in regard to Aphrodite, but in nature [modesty dwells always] you must look for that. For she who is modest will not be corrupted in Bacchic revelry. Do you see? You rejoice whenever many people are at your gates

Plat. Phaedrus 244d The ancients, then testify that in proportion as prophecy [prophēt-euō] (mantike) is superior to augury, both in name and in fact, in the same proportion madness, which comes from god, is superior to sanity, which is of human origin. Moreover, when diseases and the greatest troubles have been visited upon certain families through some ancient guilt, madness

[244e] has entered in and by oracular power has found a way of release for those in need, taking refuge in prayers and the service of the gods, and so, by purifications and sacred rites, he who has this madness is made safe for the present and the after time, and for him who is rightly possessed of madness a release from present

Plat. Phaedrus 245a ills is found. And a third kind of possession and madness comes from the Muses. This takes hold upon a gentle and pure soul, arouses it and inspires it to songs and other poetry, and thus by adorning countless deeds of the ancients educates later generations. But he who without the divine madness comes to the doors of the Muses, confident that he will be a good poet by art, meets with no success, and the poetry of the sane man vanishes into nothingness before that of the inspired madmen.

Prophesying in the singing, playing, clapping and moving the body (the meaning of music) was almost exclusively the work of women and wafting menstrual blood in the holy places was proof of their superiority over males.

Click to see why the Spirit or that which exists between Father and Son is a DOVE. This repudiates the Mother of the gods and of the DAUGHTER. The dove or Rock Pigeon is the "carrier" of the seven spirits of knowledge (Isaiah 11) and not of charismatic sexuality of which music is a primary stimulant.

"The original inhabitants of Dodona were a tribe called the Selloi. Seven sacred priestesses led by Promeneia 'foremost in strength or speaking before the Moon' of the tribe founded Dione's oracle there, suggesting that the Pleiades may also have been associated with her. They also founded oracles at Epirus and Thebes. The oracles were established in oak or beech groves, because Dione was also a tree Goddess. The trees were treated with great care, pruned with golden sickles and protected by warrior priestesses. The sounds of the wind passing through their leaves or through bronze wind chimes hung from their branches were prophesied from, as were the flight patterns of sparrows, doves, and pigeons. The priestesses who interpreted these sounds and movements were old women called peleia 'wood pigeons' or 'ring doves.' The seven high priestesses were called doves, 'Pleiades.'

A further peculiarity of Dodona was the "bronze," a large gong set vibrating at every breeze by a scourge held in the hand of a figure standing over it;

the persistent ringing passed into a Greek proverbial phrase--Khalkos Dodones ("Brass of Dodona")--for a continuous talker who has nothing to say.

The Re-Imaging women filling pulpits and colleges are promoting the worship of Sophia (ZOE's mother) and the EUCHARIST is accompanied with a love feast including honey:

"Almost every part of the female genitals eventually became personified as a Goddess, as did the fluids associated with them. The hymen was no exception, ruled by an eponymous Goddess later considered an emanation of Aphrodite.

She carried a torch in one hand, a flute in the other, and wore a crown of flowers, symbol of sexual self-knowledge and maturity. Hymen is the Greek word for veil, the same one that 'no man draws asunder' among the Amazon Goddesses Athena, Medusa, and Neith.

"The power and sanctity of menstrual blood 'Moon honey' was enshrined even in Olympian myths, for all oaths were sworn by the Goddess Styx, ruler and personification of the stream of Gaea's menstrual blood. Ambrosia and nectar were originally a mixture of honey and menstrual fluid provided by Aphrodite and/or Hera. Long after Hymen was masculinized in a piece or profoundly ridiculous revision, the Goddess was invoked by calling 'O Hymen, Hymenie!' exclusively by women Source

The Spirit of Christ will SILENCE this and Paul was warning of the practices of women and a few strange men OUTSIDE of the assembly:


After this FIRST sign anyone who prophesied afterward was worthy of deagh.

1Corinthians 11:4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

You have to read the WHOLE though: prophesying with head covered does NOT mean that he can prophesy (soothsay, sorcery) as long as he does not WEAR THE TOGA.  Paul ALWAYS defines the pagan THESIS before he defines the Christian ANTITHESIS which is NOT a "worship service" but a School (only) of the Word (only) of Christ (only) in the prophets and the prophecies made MORE CERTAIN by Jesus and left for our memory by the Apostles: the church is built upon or educated on the Prophets and Apostles.

There were no 'prophets' ordained by an apostle in Corinth: there is no evidence that they had any supernatural gift because if they needed any information Paul would write them a letter. The apostles were guided into all truth by Christ  in Spirit. If there had been any such guift the meaning would be.  To PRECLUDE any such claims to supernatural knowledge Paul insisted that if ONE decided to "private interpret" or "further expound" what Paul had delivered to them, there must be ANOTHER person to affirm his "preaching."

If Paul spoke in any of the "tongues" or minor dialects he would SPEAK the Word of God. SPEAK connected to the LOGOS is opposite of poetry or music.  God's Word is never revealed in any metrical or musical form:

1Corinthians 14:6 Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?

On the evil OTHER HAND:
1Corinthians 14:26 How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, everyone of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.

In chapter 12 and I paraphrase: "ALL of you claim to sing OPRA, BUT not all of you have the ability! Do you? No you don't shame, shame, shame

He did NOT say "let all things be done." Everything done in the assembly where Paul used the "synagogue" word is EDIFICATION or EDUCATION.  That would SILENCE everyone but the elder commanded to "Teach that which HAS BEEN taught."  A church is NOT Christian when people compose their own songs and sermons.

ONLY PAUL would have that ability: none in Corinth.
Prophēt-euō II. expound, interpret, preach, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Ev.Luc.1.67, Ev.Jo.11.51, Act.Ap.2.17, 19.6, 1 Ep.Cor. 11.4, 13.9, al.: also “dēmiourgōn kheires p. ta poiēmataCallistr.Stat. 2.

Examples of those who SPOKE which is the opposite of poetry or music of the women or effeminate who "prophesied with harps." David was an example who made himself vile with the camp-following females, prophesied with instruments and stripped off his STOLA and went naked. This was the absolute priesthood and too often preacherhood of males "performing the roles of women."

John 11:51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year,
        he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;

True prophesying would CEASE when each writer finished his PART.
See Speaking in Tongues and Instrumental noise as PROOF of those who do NOT love you.

1Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
        and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

La^l-eō, Mark of the Locusts
II.  chatter, Opposite. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix (sc. eimi), a very grasshopper to chirp at midday, 
III.  of musical sounds, “aulō [flute] laleōTheoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou [flute] ē salpiggos l.”[trumpet]  of Echomagadin lalein sound the magadis,  [double flute]
        -kat-auleô , A. charm by flute-playing, metaphor I will flute to you on a ghastly flute, E.HF871 (troch.):--Pass., of persons, methuôn kai katauloumenos drinking wine to the strains of the flute, Pl.R.561c; k. pros chelônidos psophon to be played to on the flute with lyre accompaniment,
II. in Pass. katauloumenon subdued by a flute accompaniment, to be piped down, ridiculed, gelômenoi  
2.  make a place sound with flute-playing, resound with flute-playing, nêsos katêuleito Plu.Ant.56
"The word is used of gossip, prattling, babbling, animal sounds, and musical instruments. During the classical period, it usually was employed in a contemptuous sense. Debrunner, writing in the Kittle-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, states 'Lalein can also be used quite objectively of speech when there is reference to sound rather than than meaning.' To what kind of utterance can St. Paul refer?  There were many types of vocalization in ecstatic rites." Kroeger, Catherine

Music from mystery MEANS to "make the lambs dumb before the slaughter." Anyone who imposes instrumental noise in the School of Christ INTENDS to SUBDUE the paying audience so that his false teaching cannot be opposed. The message is always "get over it or get out": That's the play book of the Scribes and Pharisees..

1Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
1Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
1Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
Paul is not speaking of wearing a HAT except perhaps the "Hat of Hermes." The Latin for uncovered is
vēlo   Of clothing: “velatus togā,enveloped, clothed, Liv. 3, 26, 10: “purpurea veste,Ov. M. 2, 23: “tunicā,id. F. 3, 645: “stolā,Hor. S. 1, 2, 71; Tib. 1, 5, 25 (3, 4, 55): “amiculis,Curt. 3, 3, 10: “umeros chlamyde,
tŏga 3 As women of loose character were not allowed to wear the proper female garment (the stola), and assumed the toga, poet. for a prostitute:
Cic. Sest. 55.118 even the actors did not spare to his face. For as the play being exhibited was one of Roman life,—“The Pretender,” I believe,—the whole troop of actors, speaking in most splendid concert, and looking in the face of this profligate man, laid the greatest emphasis on the words, “To such a life as yours,”... there was not one passage in which any expression of the poet had any bearing on our times, which either escaped the notice of the main body of the people, or on which particular emphasis was not laid by the actor.
Tŏgātus , a, um, adj. toga, I.wearing the toga, clad in the toga, gowned:
B. tŏgāta , ae, f. (togatus; sc. fabula, ) tragoediis atque carminibus  a species of the Roman drama which treated of Roman subjects, the national drama,
2. (Acc. to toga, II. B. 3.) Togata, of an immodest woman, a prostitute: “ancilla,Hor. S. 1, 2, 63; cf. id. ib. 1, 2, 82; Mart. 6, 64, 4.—

2Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
        and shall be turned unto fables.
FABLES TO FOOL: Fābŭla , ae, f. fari,
B.  Of particular kinds of poetry.
1.  Most freq., a dramatic poem, drama, play (syn.: “ludus, cantus, actio, etc.): in full, fabula scaenica,” or, theatralis,id. 14, 6, 20: “fabula ad actum scenarum composita, ”fabulam, quae versatur in tragoediis atque carminibus non a veritate modo [melod]

  Cantus , ūs, m. id., I. the production of melodious sound, a musical utterance or expression, either with voice or instrument; hence, song, singing, playing,
1. With the voice, a singing, song; in full, cantus vocum, Cic. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “fit etiam saepe vocum gravitate et cantibus ut pellantur animi, etc.,
2. With instruments, a playing, music: “citharae,horribili stridebat tibia cantu,Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae,  “lyrae, Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 72: “tibicine
FABLES TO FOOL:   Scaenĭcus (scen- ), a, um, adj., = skēnikos, I. of or belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical (class.) stage-plays, theatrical representations, “fabula,a drama, Amm. 28, 1, 4: organa,Suet. Ner. 44: “coronae,id. ib. 53: “habitus,id. ib. 38: gestus,Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220: “modulatio,Quint. 11, 3, 57:
2 Sam 6:14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might;
and David was girded with a linen ephod.

2 Samuel 6.[14] et David saltabat totis viribus anteDominum porro David erat accinctus ephod lineo [15] etDavid et omnis domus Israhel ducebant arcam testamentiDomini in iubilo et in clangore bucinae

-Saltō āvī, ātus, āre, freq. salio, to dance : in convivio saltare nudus coeperat: nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi, etc.: scire saltare, O.: Fac saltet, O.: ad tibicinis modos, L.—Fig., to speak jerkingly, speak in short clauses : saltat incīdens particulas.—With acc: aliquam mimo saltante puellam, dancing a girl's part , O.: Cyclopa, H.: saltata poëmata, recited with rhythmical movements

-Tertullian: certainly you will not regard with approval those efforts after an artificial body which aim at surpassing the Creator's work;

-sălax , ācis, adj. salio; cf. sagax, from sagio.
I. Fond of leaping, esp. of male animals, lustful, lecherous, salacious: “galli,Varr. R. R. 3, 9, 5: “aries,Ov. F. 4, 771: “salaciora animalia, Lact. Opif. Dei, 14: salacissimi mares,Col. 7, 9, 1; 8, 2, 9: “cauda,Hor. S. 1, 2, 45.—Vulgarly applied to Priapus: “deus,Auct. Priap. 14, 1; 34, 1; and sarcastically: salacissimus Juppiter, Sen. ap. Lact. 1, 16, 10.—
II. Poet. transf., that provokes lust, provocative: “erucae,Ov. R. Am. 799: “bulbi,Mart. 3, 75, 3: “herba, i.e. eruca,Ov. A. A. 2, 422; Mart. 10, 48, 10. Impers. pass.: “cantatur ac saltatur per omnes gentes,Quint. 2, 17,

Anath: This Canaanite Goddess' name means 'to answer' and may be related to the Akkadian word ettu meaning 'active will..... This sacred garment has been described as a cloak, apron, breastplate, or shield. In Anath's case, it shifted in function as religious ceremony changed. Originally it was probably a garment worn by each Libyan woman when she came of age, made of cloth and marked with snakes and Moon symbols, or made of many braids of string.
Later it was remade, parts of its feminine symbolism removed and turned into a garment worn during animal sacrifices. Then it was decorated with severed penises, representing both types of death men experience, loss of erection and the ending of their lives.
"Anath (Ishtar-like) came upon her divine brother Baal (Tammuz) "unawares when he was beating his timbrel and perhaps singing.
     "The goddess
ate her brother's flesh 'without a knife and drank his blood without a cup'.

timbrel also was the sacred musical instrument peculiar to the bacchic festivals
." M. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled-6.644 Translated from Od. 8. 264, peplēgon de khoron theion posin, where however it would seem from a preceding line, v. 260, that khoron is the place of dancing, not the dance, though the other construction, khoron as a cogn. acc., would be sufficiently idiomatic. The sense of clapping the hands, though the most usual sense of ‘plaudo,’ does not seem to be the primary one, at least if we may argue from its derivation “plaustrum” (comp. “claudo,” “claustrum”), which may either be, as Scaliger ap. Forc. thinks, “a plaudendo terram,” or perhaps ‘a thing hammered,’ as krotein is used of applause, of hammering, and of the rattle of a car (okhea kroteontes Il. 15. 453), okhea krotēta Soph. El. 714 being taken by some ‘hammered,’ by others ‘made to rattle.’ Krotos podōn is used of dancing Eur. Heracl. 583, Tro. 746, like ‘pedibus plaudunt’ here, and the parallel may be completed by comparing krotēta melē Soph. Thamyris fr. 221, music struck out by the plēktron, with the similar action expressed by plaudere in the Ciris v. 179, “Non Libyco molles plauduntur pectine telae.” ‘Carmina dicuntG. 1. 350, where it is mentioned in connexion with dancing.

Commentary on Vergil, Aeneid. book 6, line 645. Orpheus was one of the mythical fathers of song, and his name was associated with revelations about the lower world, supposed to be preserved by secret societies (Dict. M. Orpheus), so that he is naturally made the harper who plays while the blessed spirits dance and sing. He is called ‘sacerdos,’ as in Hor. A. P. 391 he is called “sacer interpresque deorum.

The long robe was characteristic of musicians, as Cerda shows, comp. Prop. 3. 23. 16, “Pythius in longa carmina veste sonat” (of the statue of Apollo in the Palatine temple), and also Hor. A. P. 215, Ov. F. 6. 654, 688, where the long robes of the ‘tibicines’ are mentioned and accounted for. ‘Cum veste’ above v. 359. Elsewhere we have ‘in veste,’ as 12. 169, “puraque in veste sacerdos.

John Mark Hicks: This led me to a critical point: in the early church women audibly prayed and prophesied in the assembly of the church even while they honored their husbands (or the men in the assembly).

Consequently, it was not a violation of the created order (to which Paul appeals in 1 Corinthians 11) for women to pray and prophesy–to lead in the assembly through prayer and prophecy–since they could do so and at the same time honor their heads. Leadership, then, does not necessarily imply headship!

1Corinthians 11:5 BUT every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered
        dishonoureth [-turpo disfigures] her head: for that is even all one as if she wereshaven.

This is outside of the Assembly. The Mad Women of Corinth are well documented. By definition they would be UNCOVERED because they were used in the pagan temples to fleece the men of their food money before they could get out of town. You know: giving for the LORD.
Prophēt-euō A. to be a prophētēs or interpreter of the gods, “manteueo, Moisa, prophateusō d' egōPi. l.c.; tis prophēteuei theou; who is his interpreter? E.Ion 413; “hoi prophēteuontes tou hirouHdt.7.111; “hēpsukhē ta theia katalabomenē tois te anthrōpois prophēteuousaArist.Mu.391a16; “hou manteiou proeistēkei prophēteuōnLuc.VH2.33, cf. Plu.2.412b; ouk estin hostis soi prophēteusei tade will be thy intermediary in asking this, E.Ion 369; mania . . prophēteusasa with oracular power, Pl.Phdr.244d:—Pass., ta prophēteuthenta Sch.Od. 12.9.
If everyone speaks in tongues equated to playing musical instruments WON'T they say that you are MAD.
The musical worship teams or MUSES were to interpret the WILL of all of the gods worshipped by pagans and a church near you.  The Muses or Locusts in John's message were the prophetesses of Apollo (Abaddon, Apollyon) or other god.  They are identified as sorcerers in Revelation 18 and are consigned to be cast alive into the lake of fire.
Mousa , Dios [ZEUS, Ploutōn, non-Greek divinities, “Z. AmmōnPi.P. 4.16, FREQUENTLY OF Semitic Baalim, Z. Beelbōsōro, hiereus Seleukou Dios Nikatoros

hier-eus of the Jewish High Priest, D.S.34/5.1; comically, “leptotatōn lērōn hiereuAr.Nu.359; hi. Dionusou, of a winebibber, Eup.19; “hi. philosophias

ni_katōr a_, oros, ho, Dor. for nikētōr, A. conqueror, cult-name of Seleucus I and Demetrius, kings of Syria
Plut. Arist. 6 they rejoiced to be surnamed ‘Besiegers,’ or ‘Thunderbolts,’ or ‘Conquerors,’ and some ‘Eagles,’ or ‘Hawks,’ cultivating the reputation which is based on violence and power, as it seems, rather than on virtue.
Matthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
Mant-euomai  2. generally, presage, forebode, surmise, of presentiment, Opposite. knowledge, Pl.Cra.411b, R.349a,
II. consult an oracle, seek divinations, Pi.O.7.31, Hdt.1.46, 4.172, etc.; “en Delphoisi Id.6.76;   “ho gar theos manteuomenō moukhrēsen en Delphois poteAr.V.159, cf. Av.593

The mark of Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon and the Muses at Delphi.

khraō (B). A. FORMS: contr. I. in Act. of the gods and their oracles, proclaim, abs., “khreiōn muthēsato Phoibos8.79: “ Puthiē [serpent] hoi khra tadeHdt.1.55, “kh. mantesi [mad] MousaisAr.Av.724
From Charis or Grace: See Charismatic Worship
b. khrēsthai tini (without philō) to be intimate with a man, X.Hier.5.2, Mem.4.8.11
2. esp. of sexual intercourse, “gunaixi ekhratoHdt.2.181, cf. X.Mem.1.2.29, 2.1.30, Is.3.10, D.59.67.

Aristoph. Birds 724
If you recognize us as gods, we shall be your divining Muses, through us you will know the winds and the seasons, summer, [725] winter, and the temperate months. We shall not withdraw ourselves to the highest clouds like Zeus, but shall be among you and shall give to you [730] and to your children and the children of your children, health and wealth, long life, peace, youth, laughter, songs and feasts; in short, you will all be so well off, [735] that you will be weary and cloyed with enjoyment.
IIIhold office ofprophētēs, Theodōrou propha_teuontos”(ii A.D.).
IV. to be a quack doctor,
vēlo   Of clothing: “velatus togā,enveloped, clothed, Liv. 3, 26, 10: “purpurea veste,Ov. M. 2, 23: “tunicā,id. F. 3, 645: “stolā,Hor. S. 1, 2, 71; Tib. 1, 5, 25 (3, 4, 55): “amiculis,Curt. 3, 3, 10: “umeros chlamyde,

tŏgaAs women of loose character were not allowed to wear the proper female garment (the stola), and assumed the toga, poet. for a prostitute:

Shaven: 1 Chronicles 19.4] So Hanun took David's servants, and shaved them, and cut off their garments [tunica]  in the middle, even to their buttocks, and sent them away.
ōro   I. In gen. (so obsol.): “orare antiquos dixisse pro agere testimonio est, quod oratores dicti et causarum actores et qui rei publicae mandatas causas agebant,2. Of oratorical speaking, eloquence C. To pray, to supplicate God

"The matter becomes clear when we observe that

from 11:17 onward until the end of chapter 14 Paul deals with the gatherings of the congregation for public worship and with regulations pertaining to public assemblies.

"The transition is decidedly marked: 'that ye come together,' i.e., for public worship, v. 17; 'when ye come together in the church' (ekklesia, no article), v. 18; and again: 'when ye assemble together,' i.e., for public worship, v. 20) In these public assemblies

"Paul forbids the women, not only to prophesy, but to speak at all, 14:34-36 and assigns the reason for this prohibition just as he does in 1 Tim. 2:11." (Lenski, 1 Cor. p. 437).
Paul silences male and female "so that all might be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth."

A Church of Christ is built upon or EDUCATED by the Prophets and Apostles.
The Spirit OF Christ defined the future assembly as a shade or UMBRELLA so that people can get in out of the religious operations.
Peter said that Jesus made these prophecies more certain and that they are NOT subject to private interpretation of Further Expounding.
He marked false prophets and teachers as those who do no honor the PROPHETS Certified and made available for our memory.
Therefore, there would be no PROPHETS in the churches which had not been empowered by the hands of an apostle.

Paul now speaks of their coming together (synagogue) where both men and women were to be silent SO that the word could be PREACHED by being READ. There is no public prayer in the synagogue other than perhaps the Shema.

1Corinthians 11:17 Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not,
        that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse.
1Corinthians 11:18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you;
        and I partly believe it.
1Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you,
        that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
Gardner Hall: Hicks and Valentine disassociate themselves from what they called the "ecclesial hermeneutic (‘command, example and inference’)" of Harding and Lipscomb and their participation in the battles with the Disciples of Christ denomination over instrumental music and the missionary societies. They obviously don’t see that such common-sense Biblical interpretation and the battles with those who were losing confidence in restoration, were integral parts of their other-worldliness.
        Inevitably, there must be separations between those who cling to primitivist principles
        and those that reject them.
Division, though it must be avoided until there is no other recourse,
        is sometimes necessary (1 Cor. 11:19).
God left the INSTRUMENT as a MARK which the godly can HEAR and flee from Babylon and never look back.

Musical Worship Teams a heresy because it cannot define "church" AND it cannot define 'worship."

"They were taught the doctrines concerning God, creation, providence, sacred history, the fall, the incarnation, the resurrection, and future rewards and punishments. Their books were portions of the Bible...

When the ecclesiastical spirit overcame the apostolic and Gospel teaching,

the study of the Bible was
largely displaced by ritual ceremonies
and priestly confessionals.

A few faithful continued to teach the Bible, as the Waldenses and the Lollards." (Shaff-Herzog Religious Ency. , Sunday schools, p. 159).

"The bombastic, rhetoric which had ruled in the Roman world since the death of Cicero was now introduced into the Christian pulpit, and the congregation burst forth in applause extravagant enough for a welcome to a chief returning from the conquest of a new province." (John Fletcher Hurst, History of the Christian Church, vol. I., p. 357).

"The McClintock and Strong Cyclopedia not only speaks, in general terms, of 'heresy largely pervading the church and making rapid headway' at that very time, but it specifies 'the appointment of singers as a distinct class of officers in the church' with 'the consequent introduction of profane music'; and why should not instrumental music have been introduced if the carnal wishes of the people called for it" (Kurfees, M. C., Instrumental Music in Worship, p. 123)

The Biblical Definition of a heretic
Pro-airesis , eôs, hê, choosing one thing before another, wrongs done from malice prepense, contrary to one's purpose, 3. in political language, deliberate course of action, 5. political party, b. sect or school of music, philosophy

Hairesis  I. a taking especially, esp. of a town, a taking for oneself,
4. a sect, school, etc.: esp. a religious sect, such as the Sadducees and Pharisees, NTest.5. a heresy,
Pharisaios 1 a Pharisee, Separatist (from pharash, to distinguish), one of a sect who separated themselves from other Jews as affecting superior holiness.
         Phrik-ôdês , es, attended with shivering, b. inspiring religious awe

Jesus identified them as HYPOCRITES by pointing to speakers, singers and instrument players.
And the audience who would be attracted just for the entertainment. A musical instrument is defined as "a machine for inducing the shock and awe in battle or in RELIGION.
A. Act., take with the hand, grasp, seize, having taken up [the song], Od.8.500.
Homer, Odyssey The muses were taught by Apollo

So he spoke, and the minstrel, moved by the god, began, and let his song be heard, [500] taking up the tale where the Argives had embarked on their benched ships and were sailing away, after casting fire on their huts, while those others led by glorious Odysseus were now sitting in the place of assembly of the Trojans, hidden in the horse; for the Trojans had themselves dragged it to the citadel.

The assembly is the Agora or marketplace where Jesus consigned the pipers, singers and dancers along with all of the selling of goods and bodies. When they foolish drag the marketplace stuff into their CITADEL you know that they intend to "infiltrate and divert."

Minstrels moved by the god Apollo (Apollyon) and the Muses (Musicians Re 18:22) or dirty adulteresses were never allowed into the ekklesia or church.


Haireô 2. take away II. take, get into one's poweroverpower, kill, of passions,
catch, take, zôon [ZOE: take away life] helein Il.21.102 ; take in huntingget into one's power, entrap, 

Hes.Sc.302 Hesiod, Shield of Heracles

[280] and the girls led on the lovely dance to the sound of lyres. Then again on the other side was a rout of young men revelling, with flutes playing; some frolicking with dance and song, and others were going forward in time with a flute player and laughing. The whole town was filled with mirth and dance and festivity.

Beside them was a row of vines [New Winskinners] [297] in gold, the splendid work of cunning Hephaestus [Tubal-Cain]: [299] it had shivering leaves and stakes of silver [300] and was laden with grapes which turned black. And there were men treading out the grapes and others drawing off the liquor. Also there were men boxing and wrestling, and huntsmen chasing swift hares with a leash of sharp-toothed dogs before them, they eager to catch the hares, and the hares eager to escape.

Hairesis A. taking, especially of a town , Hdt.4.1, etc.; basileos hai. the taking by the king, Id.9.3; “elpizōn takhistēn -sin esesthaiTh. 2.75; hai. dunameōs acquisition of power

Especially a religious party or sect, of the Essenes, J.BJ2.8.1; the Sadducees and Pharisees, Act.Ap.5.17, 15.5, 26.5; the Christians, ib.24.5,14, 28.22, generally, faction, party, App.BC5.2.
Irenaeus.Heresies.Intro.html "There must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest." In the divine economy of Providence it was permitted that every form of heresy which was ever to infest the Church should now exhibit its essential principle, and attract the censures of the faithful.
        Thus testimony to primitive truth was secured and recorded:
        the language of catholic orthodoxy was developed and defined, [called The Church of Christ]
        and landmarks of faith were set up for perpetual
Heresy is creating mental excitement to Lift Up the people and carry them away for your own USES.

Anaireô, anêirêka (aneir-dub. in Com.Adesp.18.6D.): (v. haireô): --take up, anelontes apo chthonos having raised the victim from the ground, so as to cut its throat (cf. aueruô), take up and carry off, bear away, esp. prizes. of oracle's answer to inquiry

II. make away with, destroy, of men, kill, Hdt.4.66; pollous anairôn A.Ch.990 ; se men hêmetera psphos a. E.Andr.517; thanatois a. Pl.Lg. 870d ; ek politeias toiauta thêria a. Din.3.19 , etc.

The Thêria areasts of the book of Revelation and is used with words related to ZOE or EVE or RHEA. thêrion, drakôn, ophis. This is related to daimôn or the genius or Genun as a composite of Jubal, Jabal, Tubal-Cain and Naamah. Jubal "handled" musical instruments meaning "without authority" and to commit HERESY which meant to use music to steal the houses of others. Therion is defined as "A new style of music or drama" which means heresy.

take up and carry off, snatch, take up money at interest,
4. take up bodies for burial. 
Heredotus Hdt. 4.1 After taking Babylon, Darius himself marched against the Scythians. For since Asia was bursting with men and vast revenues were coming in, Darius desired to punish the Scythians for the wrong they had begun when they invaded Media first and defeated those who opposed them in battle.

Plat. Gorg. [513a] and so therefore now, whether it is your duty to make yourself as like as possible to the Athenian people, if you intend to win its affection and have great influence in the city: see if this is to your advantage and mine, so that we may not suffer, my distinguished friend, the fate that they say befalls the creatures who would draw down the moon—the hags of Thessaly;1 that our choice of this power in the city may not cost us all that we hold most dear. But if you suppose that anyone in the world can transmit to you such an art as will cause you
1 Socrates alludes to the popular theory that the practice of witchcraft is a serious danger or utter destruction to the practicer.

tas Thettalidas
: the Thessalian women were very skilful in sorcery and poisoning. They stood in close relation to the night-goddess Hecate; hence people ascribed to them the power to draw the moon from the heavens. Strepsiades says in Ar. Nub. 749 gunaika pharmakid' ei priamenos Thettalēn | katheloimi nuktōr tēn selēnēn kthe. Cf. Hor. Epod. 5. 45 quae sidera excantata voce Thessala | lunamque caelo deripit. For this, however, the goddess exacted punishment, for Suidas says hai tēn selēnēn kathairousai Thettalides legontai tōn ophthalmōn kai tōn paidōn (v. l. podōn) steriskesthai. eirētai epi tōn heautois ta kaka epispōmenōn paroimia. Cf. also Plin. N. H. XXX. I. 2 (6). Aristophanes' designation of them under the name pharmakis, while it implies that their art consisted in the manipulation of drugs, does not limit us to that view, because Herodotus, vii. 114, uses the verb pharmakeuein in speaking of the sacrifice of white horses by the Magi to the river Strymon.

vox , vōcis, f. voco, I. a voice, sound, tone, cry, call.  oratio'st,
Hor. S. 1, 10, 32: “siderā excantata voce Thessalā,incantation, id. Epod. 5, 45:
deripere lunam vocibus,with charms, incantations, id. Epod. 17, 78; so, “sacrae
inclinata ululantique voce canere,

Thessal-os , Att. Thett- , ē, on, Thessalian, Hdt. 5.63, etc.: prov., Th. sophisma a Thessalian trick, E.Ph.1407; Th. nomisma, i.e. false money, Phot.; Thess. Petthalos IG9(2).258(Cierium), 517.14 (Larissa); Boeot. Phettalos (as pr. n.) ib.7.2430.8.
II. pr. n. of a physician of the Methodic School:—hence Adj. Thessaleios , a, on, Gal.15.763,al.
III. fem. Thessalis , idos, Thessalian, “kunēS.OC314: as Subst. Thettalis, , a

Revelation 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy SORCERIES were all nations deceived.
Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. 

pharmakos 1
I. a poisoner, sorcerer, magician, NTest.
II. one who is
sacrificed as an atonement for others, a scape-goat, Ar.; and, since worthless fellows were reserved for this fate, pharmakos became a general name of reproach, id=Ar., Dem.

Plat. Rep. 426b
, Ion. and poet. epa^oidē , , *A. song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, spell,epaoidē d' haima..eskhethonOd.19.457, cf. Pi.P.4.217 ; “ou pros iatrou sophou thrēnein epōdas pros tomōnti pēmatiS.Aj. 582 ; of the Magi, Hdt.1.132 ; “meliglōssois peithous epaoidaisinA.Pr. 174, cf. S.OC1194 ; “epōdas epadeinX.Mem.2.6.10 sq.; “epōdais haliskesthaiAnaxandr.33.13; “oute pharmaka..oud' au epōdaiPl.R. 426b ;

"Applied to Persian priests or astrologers of Babylon. Pharmakos (g5333) an adjective signifying "devoted to magical arts," is used as a noun, "a sorcerer," especially one who uses drugs, potions, spells, enchantments, Rev 21:8, in the best texts (some have pharmakeus) and 22:15" Vine

1Corinthians 11:20 When ye come together therefore into one place,
        this is not to eat the Lord’s supper.

It would certainly be heresy to hold the Lord's Supper as a sacrificial meal where God eats while we burn the fat with jubilation.

1Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
        and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

Paul OUTLAWS both male and female in 1 Corinthians 13. HERE is defined some HERESIES.

This is not speaking as in the command to SPEAK one to another to teach and comfort. Sounding brass and tinkling cymbals here are identifying marks of people who have NO LOVE. Even if they COULD speak all of the languages in the world there would be no love. The command is to SPEAK or LOGOS the Word of Christ which is the opposite of rhetoric, singing or playing instruments. Speaking in the tongues of angels was IN FACT making music in tongues.

Catherine-Dick Kroeger Pandemonium and Silence: While women [Corinth]were famed for their wildness in the Bacchic cult and in certain other mystery cults, other aspects of their worship were more traditional. Of special importance to the study of the situation Paul addresses is the concept of clamor, noisy outbursts of religious pandemonium. Strabo (first century) explains how popular writers describe the phenomenon:

They represent them, one and all, as a kind of inspired people and as subject to Bacchic frenzy, and, in the guise of minister, as inspiring terror at the celebration of the sacred rites by means of war-dances accompanied by uproar and noise and cymbals and drums and also by flute and outcry . . . (Georg., X, 3:7)

The 'sounding gong and tinkling cymbal' used in such worship are mentioned in a derogatory sense in 1 Corinthians 13:1; but the religious outcry itself is dealt with more directly. It is essential that we understand that much of the shouting involved in the rite was the specific function of women. Euripides describes the advent of Dionysiac religion to Thebes thus: 'This city, first in Hellas, now shrills and echoes to my women's cries, their ecstasy of joy' (Bacchae, 11, 20-24) The word used here for 'cry' is olulugia, defined by the Etymologicum Magnum as 'the sound which women make to exult in worship' and by E.R. Dodds as 'the women's ritual cry of triumph or thanksgiving'.  Pausanias tells of 'the mountain they say was called Eva from the Bacchic cry "Evoe" which Dionysus and his attendant women first uttered there' (Descr. of Greece, IV, xxxi) Menander also demonstrates women's role in worship: 'We were offering sacrifice five times a day, and seven serving women were beating cymbals around us while the rest of the women pitched high the chant (olulugia halal)' (Fragment 326). Women were expected, then, to provide certain types of sound-effects; and some of these effects seem to have been limited to feminine ministrants.

La^l-eō ,Mark of the Locusts
II.  chatter, Opposite. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix (sc. eimi), a very grasshopper to chirp at midday, 
III.  of musical sounds, “aulō [flute] laleōTheoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou [flute] ē salpiggos l.”[trumpet] Arist. Aud.801a29; of Echomagadin lalein sound the magadis,  [double flute]
-kat-auleô , A. charm by flute-playing, metaphor I will flute to you on a ghastly flute, E.HF871 (troch.):--Pass., of persons, methuôn kai katauloumenos drinking wine to the strains of the flute, Pl.R.561c; k. pros chelônidos psophon to be played to on the flute with lyre accompaniment,
II. in Pass., [ton monochordon kanona] parechein tais aisthêsesi . . katauloumenon subdued by a flute accompaniment, to be piped down, ridiculed, gelômenoi  
2.  make a place sound with flute-playing, resound with flute-playing, nêsos katêuleito Plu.Ant.56

katapsallô stringed instruments to, [sumposion]katauleinkai k. Plu.2.713e :--usu. in Pass., have music played to one, enjoy music, ib.785e; of places, resound with music, Id.Ant.56. 2. Pass., to be buried to the sound of music3. metaph., katapsalletai . . hodêmiourgos is drummed out

, play on the flute in accompaniment, melo. lusiôidos 1 one who played women's characters in male attire, 

The Mark of the Locusts: Abaddon's Muses (dirty adulteresses) performing as sorcerers.
Tettix  This noise is freq. used as a simile for sweet sounds, Il.3.151, Hes.Op.582, Sc.393, Simon.173, 174, etc.; and Plato calls them hoi Mousōn prophētai, Phdr.262d; but they also became a proverb. for garrulity, “lalein tettixAristopho10.7: “t. polloi ginomenoi nosōdes to etos sēmainous

A. Olumpiades M., Dios aigiokhoio thugateresIl.2.491, cf. Hes.Th.25, etc.; nine in number, first in Od.24.60; named in Hes.Th.75 sqq.
II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugeraA.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamosId.Supp.695 (lyr.); “kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousasS.Tr.643 (lyr.); “Aiakō moisan phereinPi.N.3.28; tis hēde mousa; what strain is this ?
2. hautē Sōkratous m. that was Socrates's way

John Mark Hicks: This led me to a critical point: in the early church women audibly prayed and prophesied in the assembly of the church even while they honored their husbands (or the men in the assembly).

No, the Assembly does not begin until 11:17. The MEN who prophesied as they were the evangelists on duty outside of the assembly FOR BIBLE STUDY ONLY. These men were ordained as prophets by the hands of one like Paul in Ephesus to give them the authority to teach the gospel without sermon outlines.

John Mark Hicks: Consequently, it was not a violation of the created order (to which Paul appeals in 1 Corinthians 11) for women to pray and prophesy–to lead in the assembly through prayer and prophecy–since they could do so and at the same time honor their heads. Leadership, then, does not necessarily imply headship!

People who objected to a Son of God in stead of a Daughter of a Mother as illustrated in the DOVE parable, honored EVE as the Mother of the Gods and the only Mediatrix.

Hyppolytus Book V Satan Worship The Naasseni: Mystery of the "Great Mother; "  See The Hypostasis of the Archons
They rashly assume in this manner, that  whatsoever things have been said and done by all men, (may be made to harmonize) with their own particular mental view, alleging that ALL things become spiritual. Whence likewise they assert, that those exhibiting themselves in theatres,not even these say or do anything without premeditation.

Therefore, he says, when, on the people assembling in the theatres, any one enters clad in a remarkable robe, carrying a harp and playing a tune (upon it, accompanying it) with a song of the great mysteries, he speaks as follows, not knowing what he says:
"Whether (thou art) the race of Saturn (Satans) or happy Jupiter, or mighty Rhea (ZOE, Eve), Hail, Attis, gloomy mutilation of Rhea. Assyrians style thee thrice-longed-for Adonis, and the whole of Egypt (calls thee) Osiris, celestial horn of the moon; [The bull, Apis, at Sinai] Greeks denominate (thee) Wisdom; Samothracians, venerable Adam; Haemonians, Corybas; and them Phrygians (name thee) at one time Papa, at another time Corpse, or God, or Fruitless, or Aipolos, or green Ear of Corn that has been reaped, or whom the very fertile Amygdalus produced-a man, a musician."
This, he says, is multiform Attis, whom while they celebrate in a hymn, they utter these words:
"I will hymn Attis, son of Rhea, not with the buzzing sounds of trumpets, or of Idaean pipers, which accord with (the voices of) the Curetes; but I will mingle (my song) with Apollo's music of harps, evoe, evan, ' inasmuch as thou art Pan, as thou art Bacchus, as thou art shepherd of brilliant stars."
On account of these and such like reasons, these constantly attend the mysteries called those of the "Great Mother,"supposing especially that they behold by means of the ceremonies performed there the entire mystery. [Moved into the presence of the gods with music]

For these have nothing more than the ceremonies that are performed there, except that they are not emasculated:they merely complete the work of the emasculated.

For with the utmost severity and vigilance they enjoin (on their votaries) to abstain, as if they were emasculated, from intercourse with a woman. The rest, however, of the proceeding (observed in these mysteries), as we have declared at some length, (they follow) just as (if they were) emasculated persons.
And they do not worship any other object but Naas, (from thence) being styled Naasseni.

But Naas is the serpent from whom, i.e., from the word Naas, (the Naassene) says, are all that under heaven are denominated temples (Naos).  And (he states) that to him alone-that is, Naas-is dedicated every shrine and every initiatory rite, and every mystery; and, in general,  that a religious ceremony could not be discovered under heaven, in which a temple (Naos) has no existence; and in the temple itself is Naas, from whom it has received its denomination of temple (Naos)

Eve is mentioned only twice in the New Testament and because Jesus spoke in parables to HIDE the truth from the WISE (sophists=rhetoricians, singers, musicians, actors).  Moses was writing an INVERTED version of Babylon Myths AFTER the nation fell from grace BECAUSE of instrumental idolatry at Mount Sinai.  Therefore, those who mock Paul do not understand that Paul knew all about Eve and scholars know nothing. While not necessarily true, Paul understood that women especially looked to EVE (Zoe, Mary) as THEIR Mediatrix.

The serpents, however, of the magicians-(that is,) the gods of destruction-withstood the power of Moses in Egypt, but the rod of Moses reduced them all to subjection and slew them. This universal serpent is, he says, the wise discourse of Eve. This, he says, is the mystery of Edem, this the river of Edem;
this the mark that was set upon Cain,
that any one who findeth him might not kill him. This, he says, is Cain, [Gen. iv. 15] whose sacrifice [Gen. iv. 5. ] the god of this world did not accept.

Theophilus to Autolycus 

This Eve, on account of her having been in the beginning deceived by the serpent, and become the author of sin, the wicked demon, who also is called Satan, who then spoke to her through the serpent, and who works even to this day in those men that are possessed by him, invokes as Eve.58 And he is called "demon" and "dragon," on account of his revolting from God. For at first he was an angel. And concerning his history there is a great deal to be said; wherefore I at present omit the relation of it, for I have also given an account of him in another place.

58 Referring to the bacchanalian orgies in which " Eva " was shouted, and which the Fathers professed to believe was an unintentional invocation of Eve, the authoress of all sin.

The word "abomination" is also key to understanding the context. In Hebrew, the word "to 'evah," (abomination) is almost invariably linked to idolatry. In the passages from which both verses are taken, God tells Moses to tell the people not to follow the idolatrous practices of the people around them, people who sacrificed their children to Molech, or who masturbated into the fire to offer their semen to Molech, for example. Chapter 20 starts off with the same warning.

"To 'evah" also means "something which is ritually unclean."
But also, concerning music, some have fabled that Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon]  was the inventor, and others say that Orpheus discovered the art of music from the sweet voices of the birds. Their story is shown to be empty and vain, for these inventors lived many years after the flood. And what relates to Noah, who is called by some Deucalion, has been explained by us in the book before mentioned, and which, if you wish it, you are at liberty to read.

John Mark Hicks: Since Paul approved audible female participation in the assembly in 1 Corinthians 11, he could not have meant that they should be silenced in 1 Corinthians 14.

Both Jews and Gentiles were afflicted with Sabazianism or "the worship of the starry host." God turned Israel over to that common form of sacrificial system BECAUSE of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.


The word lelein is fundamentally an onomatopoetic one, meaning, as Thayer's Lexicon puts it, to go 'la-la'. The Greeks shouted 'alala' both in worship and in war, and personified Alala as a deity (Pindar, Fr. 208 [78]; Plutarch 2.3496). It was this same repetitive and meaningless syllabification in pagan prayers which Jesus described: 'for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking' (Matthew 6:7)

Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do:
        for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

[ba_, ho, A.  = prōktos, Eup.82; cf. batas, bateō. II stammerer (cf. battarizō), a nickname given to Demosthenes, Aeschin. 2.99, cf. D.18.180.

Aeschin. 2 99    On the journey two attendants followed him, carrying sacks of bedding; in one of the sacks, he assured us, was a talent of silver; so that his colleagues were reminded of those old nicknames of his; for the boys used to call him “Batalos,” he was so vulgar and obscene then when he was growing out of boyhood and was bringing against his guardians big lawsuits of ten talents each, he was called “Argas”;1 now, grown to manhood, he has got also the name that we apply to rascals in general, “Blackmailer.”
       ki^naid-eia , , A. unnatural lust, Aeschin.1.131,

1 “Batalos” has been thought to mean “stammerer,” or perhaps “mamma-baby” (see Aeschin. 1.126 and 131

Aeschin. 1.126   In the case of Demosthenes, too, it was common report, and not his nurse, that gave him his nickname; and well did common report name him Batalus, for his effeminacy and lewdness! For, Demosthenes, if anyone should strip off those exquisite, pretty mantle of yours, and the soft, pretty shirts that you wear while you are writing your speeches against your friends,

New patterns of Christian worship appear to have been more difficult for women to adopt than men, as they had not known the dignified rite of Apollo or Zeus. For the most part, their religious expression had been accompanied by extravagances of every sort. We may quote Iamblichus again:

In addition to these things you remark as follows: "So also certain others of these ecstatics become entheast or inspired when they hear cymbals, drums, or some choral chant, 21 as, for example, those who are engaged in the Korybantic Rites, 22 those who are possessed at the Sabazian festival and those who are celebrating the Rites of the Divine Mother."23

21. Some exhibition of this kind is described by the Apostle Paul in the first Epistle to the Corinthians. "If," says he, "the whole assembly come together to the same place and all prattle in tongues, and common men should come in, or unbelievers, will they not say that you are raving?"

Hence he counsels that only two or three should speak in turn, and one interpret; but if nobody present is capable of this, they should keep silence, and speak only to themselves and to God:

"for not of tumult is he a god, but of tranquillity." (Ovid; Fasti IV,
"The attendants
beat the brass, and the hoarse-sounding hides. Cymbals they strike in place of helmets, tambourines for the shields; the pipe yielded its Phrygian notes.")

There is evidently a deeper meaning in all this than is commonly apprehended.

22. The Korybantes are variously described. Their cult was identified or closely allied to that of the Kabeirian divinities, and that of the Great Mother. It was celebrated in the islands of the Aegean Sea and in Phygia. Music, dancing, processions, and ecstatic frenzy were characteristics.

23. Sabazios, Sabaoth, or Sabbat, the god of the Planet Saturn, was better known as Bacchus or Dionysos, and was also styled in Semitic countries, Iao or Yava. His worship was more or less associated and identified with that of the Great Mother, under various designations, and it was characterized by phallephoric [carrying the penis] processions, dances, mourning for the slain divinity, and the Watch Night. It came from Assyria as its peculiar symbols, the ivy or kissos, the spotted robe or Nimr, and the Thyrso, indicate.

The name Zagreus the Kissos and nimr remind us of Kissaia or Asiatic Ethiopia, and the Zagros mountains occupied by the Nimr. Assyria was called "the land of Nimrod." -Amos VIII.

We affirm, accordingly, not only that the shoutings and choric songs are sacred to the gods, each and all of them, as being peculiarly their own, but likewise that there is a kindred relationship between them in their proper order, according to their respective ranks and powers, the motions in the universe itself and the harmonious sounds emitted from the motions By the agency of such a relationship of the choric songs to the gods

it is that their presence actually becomes manifest, for there is nothing intervening; and hence whatever has a mere incidental resemblance to them becomes immediately participant of them. There also takes place at once a perfect possession and filling with the divine essence and power. Nor is this because the body and soul are in each other, and affected alike in sympathy with the songs; but, on the contrary,
it is because the inspiration of the gods is not separated from the divine harmony, and being allied with it, as being of the same kindred, it is shared by it in just measures.
It is, however, aroused or checked, one or the other, according to the specific rank of the gods.
But this is never by any means to be termed a separating, purifying, or a remedy.
For, first of all, it is not dispensed on account of any disease or excess or plethora in us, but the whole beginning and course of operation are from the gods above.

But since the power of the Korghantian divinities is, in a certain degree, of a guardian and perfecting character,25 and the peculiar usages of the Sabazian worship make ready for the Bacchic enthusiasm, the purifying of souls, and deliverances from old incriminations, their respective inspirations are, accordingly, different in every important particular.26

25. In these rites the worshippers danced, forming a circle around the altar. See also I Kings, XVIII,
26. Servius remarks that the Sacred observances of Father
Liber, the Roman Bacchus, related to the purification of souls. This cleansing, as here declared, was considered to be not only from contamination acquired by coming into the conditions of physical existence, but also from guilt actually incurred

26. With the Korghantians, this represented a guard about the Demiurgos or Creator; with the Kuretes, it denoted a protecting of the divine maid Kora. Thou seemest to think that those who are enrapt by the Mother of the gods are males, for thou callest them, accordingly, "Metrizontes"; yet that is not true, for the "Metrizontesæ" are chiefly women. A very few, however, are males, and such as may be more delicate. This enthusiasm has a power that is both life-engendering and perfective, in which respect it differs from every other form of frenzy.

Thou seemest to think that those who are enrapt by the Mother of the gods are males, for thou callest them, accordingly, 'Metrizontes*#39; yet that is not true, for the 'Metrizontesae' are chiefly women (op cit., pp. 121-123

See The Orphic Theogony (Orphic and Dionysic worship is outlawed in Romans 14)

Paul warned that when you tamper with the Word God sends strong delusions: Lying Wonders involve performing artists (hypocrites says Christ) conducting religious observations TO WHICH Jesus said the Kingdom of God DOES NOT come

And yet apparently addicted to sowing discord:


John Mark Hicks: Paul authorizes women to "pray and prophesy" in the mixed, public assemblies of the church. Since 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 and 11:17-34 are discussing the same assembly, it is apparent that Paul is giving his approval to a situation where men and women "pray and prophesy" together. It is the assembly where the Lord's Supper could be observed. It is an assembly where men and women are both present. It is an assembly where men and women both "prayed and prophesied."

In stead of wearing the toga of the male or female prophesiers-prostitutes, Paul affirms that long hair should be the covering of one converted to Christ.
1Corinthians 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
1Corinthians 11:16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.
Now Paul begins to speak of the assembly as the TEXT will repudiate THEOLOGY.
1Corinthians 11:17 Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not,
        that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse.

1Corinthians 11:18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church,
        I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.

1Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you,
        that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

Paul defines this in Romand 14 where he outlawed the "preferences" of the Dionysics and Orphics and Rome and limited discussion only to edification which means EDUCATION with that which is written:

Romans 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,
        and not to please ourselves. [Create Mental Excitement]
Romans 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.
areskō a^,spondas theois aresasthai make full drink-offerings to the gods, appease, conciliate, aresanto phrenas haimatos they sated their heart with blood, Hes.Sc. 255.
3. , please, satisfy, oute gar moi Polukratēs ēreske despozōn . . Hdt.3.142; “dei m' areskein tois katōS.Ant.75, cf. 89; aei d' areskein tois kratousin to be obsequious to them, tropois tinos conform to his ways,

hairesis , eōs, , A. taking, esp. of a town, Hdt.4.1, etc.; basileos hai. the taking by the king, Id.9.3; “elpizōn takhistēn -sin esesthaiTh. 2.75; hai. dunameōs acquisition of power, Pl.Grg.513a:—generally, taking, receiving, “epigenēmatōnIV. areskei is used impers. to express the opinion or resolution of a public body,
proair-esis , b. sect or school of music, philosophy, etc., Plu.2.1137b, Gal.18(2).658; “hai en philosophia p.Luc.Demon.4, etc.

Haireô means "to take with the hand, grasp, hair. To take by force, to take a city, Il., etc.; to overpower, kill, often of passions, to take, catch, as in hunting, hairein tina kleptonta to convict of theft. To take for oneself. Another form means: take with the hand, grasp, seize as in the Komo or naked dance. Having taken up [the song].

Anaireô, anêirêka (aneir-dub. in Com.Adesp.18.6D.): (v. haireô): --take up, anelontes apo chthonos having raised the victim from the ground, so as to cut its throat (cf. aueruô), take up and carry off, bear away, esp. prizes. of oracle's answer to inquiry

II. make away with, destroy, of men, kill, Hdt.4.66; pollous anairôn A.Ch.990 ; se men hêmetera psphos a. E.Andr.517; thanatois a. Pl.Lg. 870d ; ek politeias toiauta thêria a. Din.3.19 , etc.

Romans XV. debemus autem nos firmiores inbecillitates infirmorum sustinere et non nobis placere

Rom 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit

Outlawed: Placeo to please, to be pleasing or agreeable, to be welcome, acceptable, to satisfy (class.).
1. In scenic lang., of players or pieces presented, to please, find favor, give satisfaction: scenico placenti

Outlawed: Scaenicus I. of or belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical

I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama, organa, Suet. Ner. 44 : coronae, id. ib. 53 : habitus, id. ib. 38 : gestus, Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220 : modulatio Comedy. Orator

Poi-êtês II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias Pl.Lg.935e; p. kainôn dramatôn, b. composer of music, 2. author of a speech

Outlawed: Organum Vitr. 10, 1.--Of musical instruments, a pipe,. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica,

Gen 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.

H8610 manipulate, figuratively to use unwarrantably:--catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take.

H8608 taphaph to drum, that is, play (as) on the tambourine:taber, play with timbrels.

H8611 tôpheth to'-feth From the base of H8608 ; a smiting, that is, (figuratively) contempt:--tabret. MEANING HELL

Outlawed: Modulatio. In partic., a rhythmical measure, modulation; hence, singing and playing, melody, in poetry and music, Quint. 9, 4, 139: modulatione produci aut corripi (verba), id. 9, 4, 89 : modulatio pedum, id. 1, 6, 2 : scenica, id. 11, 3, 57: vocis, melody, id. 11, 3, 59 : musica, Aus. Ep. 25, 13 .

Clement of Alexandria: "After having paid reverence to the discourse about God, they leave within [at church] what they have heard. And outside they foolishly amuse themselves with impious playing, and amatory quavering (feminine vibrato), occupied with flute-playing, and dancing, and intoxication, and all kinds of trash.

The Silencing of Men who might WAVE unholy arms and bring on wrath or ORGY (prophesing) and Women so that the OBJECT of the assembly could take place:

For those who despise authority this means CENI
Romans 15:3 For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written,
        The reproaches [exposing nakedness]  of them that reproached thee fell on me.
Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,
        that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Romans 15:6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"An issue has been made of the point that Paul speaks of a woman as prophesying as though it were a matter of course that she should prophesy just as she also prays, and just as the man, too, prays and prophesies.

Paul is said to contradict himself when he forbids the women to prophesy in 14:34-36.

"The matter becomes clear when we observe that

from 11:17 onward until the end of chapter 14 Paul deals with the gatherings of the congregation for public worship and with regulations pertaining to public assemblies.

"The transition is decidedly marked: 'that ye come together,' i.e., for public worship, v. 17; 'when ye come together in the church' (ekklesia, no article), v. 18; and again: 'when ye assemble together,' i.e., for public worship, v. 20) In these public assemblies

"Paul forbids the women, not only to prophesy, but to speak at all, 14:34-36 and assigns the reason for this prohibition just as he does in 1 Tim. 2:11." (Lenski, 1 Cor. p. 437).


We are to pray for silence in the assembly SO THAT everyone can come to a knowledge of the Truth: why is it so difficult  to find a PATTERN for the assembly which is defined in the wilderness inclusiveley and exclusively. The Kingdom began when the Son of Gor as the living WORD of God put an end to the evil Jewish system which had been abandoned to Babylonianism because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. That system oppressed both Jews and Gentile and murdered and fleeced anyone they could find.  Christ in the Prophets and later the Apostles is the ONLY Spiritual instruction for finally giving REST from the laded burdens (arousal music) and burden laders.  Jesus called the Scribes (doctors of the Law) and Pharisees HYPOCRITES. The Ezekiel 33 version NAMES NAMES: self-preachers, singers and instrument players. The audience too is hypocritical. They assembled to be entertained. Christ's PATTERN of "just NOTHING at all" was singers with  beautiful voices and skilled instrument players. This was the MARK that people will attend the GIG at your local "theater for holy entertainment" but they WILL pay no attention to the Word which is scrambled by both sermon and song. When they get bored they will look for the next faddish GIG.

After the Jews fell into musical idolatry at Mount Sinai Christ (the Rock) defined the qahal, synagogue, ekklesia or Church of Christ both inclusively and exclusively: doctors of the Law take away the key to knowledge. People were wise unto salvation--both Jew and Gentile--who attended synagogue to escape the ancient and modern pagan "worship service." The Gentiles needed little warning:
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time
        hath in every city them that PREACH him,
        being READ in the synagogues every sabbath day.

This local small group assembly QUARANTINED the godly people from the Jacob-Cursed and God-abandoned Levi tribe and for all SUN worship held on the Babylonian Seventh day. Work outlawed sending out ministers of God.

Paul practiced and commanded the PATTERN for the work of an Evangelist who has no personal input:
1Timothy 4:13 Till I come, give attendance [that ONLY worship concept]
         to [Public] reading, to exhortation [paraklēsei], to doctrine.
Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit is our PARACLETE and He teaches ONLY when the elders teach that which has been taught. There are no ROLES and no DOLE for STAFF to be "worship ministers" which is IN THE SPIRIT (a place) as opposed to IN THE FLESH with religious OBSERVATIONS to which Jesus said the Kingdom DOES NOT COME.

Christ died to give us an UMBRELLA or church of Christ as SAFE HOUSE to hide until the storm blows over. David AWAKENED His Lyre so he could awaken the DAWN: Jews were abandoned to worship the starry host.
Habakkuk 2:18 What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image,
        and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols?
Habakkuk 2:19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach!
         Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver,
         and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.
Habakkuk 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

We even have a mention at a later date of a similar custom in connection with the cult in Jerusalem, where certain Levites, called me'oreim, 'arousers," sang every morning this verse from Ps 44: 'Awake, Lord, awake! Do not abandon us for ever." The Talmud tells us that Johy Hyrcanus suppressed the practice because it recalled too readily a pagan custom.

A similar practice is attested in connection with the cult of Herakles-Melkart. According to Menander, as he is quoted by Josephus, the king Hiram, who was a contemporary of Solomon, rebuilt the temples of Tyre and, 'he was the first to celebrate the awakening of Heracles in the month of Peritius." (de Vaux, p. 247)

In an inscription from Cyprus, in one from Rhodes and in several from around the district of Carthage, there are references to important personages who bear the title Mqm"lm which we can translate as 'arouser of the god." (de Vaux, p. 24


O thou, that wakest on thy seven-string'd lyre
Sweet notes, that from the rustic lifeless horn
Enchant the ear with heavenly melody,
Son of Latona, thee before this light
Will I reprove. Thou camest to me, with gold
Thy locks all glittering, as the vermeil flowers
And now my son and thine, ill-fated babe,
Is rent by ravenous vultures; thou, meanwhile,
Art to thy lyre attuning strains of joy.

881 O you, who cause a voice to sing from your seven-stringed lyre, a voice that lets lovely-sounding hymns peal forth in the rustic lifeless horn,

o tas heptaphthongou melpon
kitharas enopan, hat' agraulois
kerasin en apsuchois achei
mousan humnous euachetous,
See heredotus1.html
Hepta-phthongos , on, A. seven-toned, kithara E.Ion881 (lyr.); sumphonia Nicom.Exc.6 .
Horn is: -Keras I. the horn of an animal, in Hom. mostly of oxen, as a symbol of strength
III. anything made of horn, 1. bow, 2. of musical instruments, horn for blowing, also, the Phrygian flute, because it was tipped with horn
8. of the pecheis of the lyre, chrusodeton k. S.Fr.244 (lyr.) (rather than the bridge, because made of horn, 

And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? 1 Cor 14:7  

Apsuchos (g895) ap'-soo-khos; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 5590 [breath]; lifeless, i.e. inanimate (mechanical): - without life.   Apsuch-os, on, lifeless, inanimate, pothoi Archil.84 ; mnemei' apsuch' empsuchon Simon.106.4 , cf. E.Fr.655, Tr. 623; lotos a. empnoun [breath] aniei Mousan Sopat.10 ; ha -otata ton oston with least life or sensation, Pl.Ti.74e, cf. An.413a21, etc.; a. theoi, of statues, Timae.127. 2. a. bora non-animal food, E.Hipp. 952. II. spiritless, faint-hearted, kake A.Th.192 ; aner Trag.Adesp.337: apsuchoterai hai theleiai [elephantes] Arist.HA610a21; of style, lifeless, D.H.Dem.20. Adv. -chos Poll.2.227 . III. materialistic, logos Porph.Gaur.14.4 (Comp.).

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